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18 May 2012

Project 366, 139/366 - Motorcycle Mad

The Mr has finally booked his theory and is getting extremely a little excited at the prospect of having a motorbike again after 14 years! He picked up this lovely helmet or 'skid lid' as he likes to call it today at a local store. I think it's rather funky!

TheBoyandMe's 366 Linky


  1. oo i better not show my hubby this he would be very jelous of that helmet, he currently has a 125cc bike but wants to go for his full lisence x hope your other half passes :) x

  2. Thanks :) Off to buy leathers this afternoon too and to look at bikes... again lol. He's doing the intensive course at the end of the month so hopefully will be riding soon. x

  3. have never been on a bike and no notion to do so either, nice helmet though

  4. im just counting down the days till i get a bike


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