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08 July 2012

My week that was... 1st-7th July

After a lovely lay in I collected the kids from their dad's house and we went to see Ice Age 4, what a fab movie! Afterwards we met up with my parents in town for some lunch and we enjoyed a lovely homemade ham and chicken pie for dinner.

Monday and Tuesday
Not alot happend today really! The usual school and work routine and an evening indoors due to the rain.

I was feeling rather bleughh today, as were the kids when they got up for school, so we ended up having a duvet day with some movies. There seem to be a few bugs about at the moment so I didn't want to risk them being poorly at school. Plus with it being art week it wasn't as though they were missing out on anything particularly educating today. Well that's what I thought anyway. Better safe than sorry!

The weather today made a bit of a turnaround and there was actually some sunshine to be seen yay! In the morning before work I enjoyed a lovely panini and cake with my aunt in a local cafe called The Hideout and after school the Mini Mes and I popped to Co-op for ice creams. The Mini Mes had induction day at school and were pleased with their new teachers. Jamster has the same lovely one from year one and Minxy has a pleasant male teacher. After dinner we all went out for an hour walk with Spartan in the fields.

Some friends of the family got married today and we were invited to the evening party to celebrate. However we ended up staying in and having an early night as both of the Mini Mes were feeling a bit rough again. Boo hoo!

The Mini Mes headed off to see their dad at 10am so the Mr and I made the most of some child free time. We ended up going to see Spiderman at the cinema and having a curry in the evening at a lovely restaurant.

What did you do over the past week? To link up your own post or to see what others have been up to you can head over to the lovely Mummy, Daddy and Me Makes Three


  1. i love indoor duvet days ... and this weather has just been asking for them! the art-work on your blog is lovely! B

    1. Thanks Becca :)
      I can't wait for the summer, so much planned with the kids already but a few duvet days thrown in too with movies and munchies! x

  2. Duvet day sounds like bliss! Mine are too young to appreciate a thing like that.glad you got to see sme sunshine at least, the weather is just pants isn't it? And very wet ones at that lol x

    1. lol isn't it just! Makes it a lot harder getting out of bed in the morning with it being so miserable outside x


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