Family | Life | Food | Travel

20 August 2012

Meal Planning Monday

We are now home and back to normality after a lovely few days in Dorset. The weather wasn't always on our side but we still had a great holiday. 

This weeks planner was sorted by the Mr when he called into Tesco on Saturday and I remanded at home. It features some family favs...

Monday - Fajitas
Tuesday - Lasagne and garlic bread
Wednesday - Chicken and mushroom pie, jacket potato and veg
Thursday - Toad in the hole 
Friday - Fish cakes (haddock), potatoes and carrots

The weekend I am leaving free as we are at a food festival in Oxford (yummy) and a cycling event on the Sunday at Milton Keynes.

What's on your menu this week?

You can link up and read other meal planners with At Home With Mrs M


  1. I think I'm going to have to make a lasagne next week, lots of people are having them in their meal plans this week and it's making me want one so badly!

  2. We're having lasagne too!!


  3. Oooh yum yum yum to all of this!!!! :) :) :)


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