The summer holidays seem to be flying by! Half way already eek - that means back to school and work in three weeks *boo, hiss* although we still have lots planned that I'm looking forward to.
Monday we had family over in the evening so we spent the day baking flapjacks (the Mini Mes keep requesting these), making our own mint choc and marshmallow ice cream and watching movies.
Tuesday was a quiet one at home with a bit of housework thrown in too. The Mini Mes seemed to wake on the wrong sides of their beds so staying in was a good decision with the rain too.
Wednesday we spent a lovely day at the zoo - you can read more about that here and see the lovely pictures. The sun shone, we met up with some friends that I've not seen since March 2010 and we enjoyed watching the various animals.
Thursday we had a bike ride to the shops and a bit of a chill day. The Mini Mes were both exhausted from the previous day.
Friday we headed to town first thing. We returned some library books and the Mini Mes collected their stickers, certificates and medals for completing the summer reading challenge. We popped to the pet shop and collected some holiday feeder for the fish and some treats for Spartan. We had a subways for lunch (yum) and in the evening we tested a product we received to review (the review and giveaway is scheduled for Friday while we are away!)
Saturday was a day at home with housework and a bit of packing. Sunday was pretty much the same ensuring everything was sorted ready for our few days break this week.
What did you get up to last week?
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That ice cream concoction sounds very yummy! I need to take my two to the zoo again soon , your photos look like a lot of fun was had when you went . My Saturday sounds very similar to yours too x