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08 August 2012

The Gallery - Sport

This weeks photo theme provided by the lovely Tara at Sticky Fingers is Sports. Initially I thought about sharing photos from sports day, playing in the garden, football in the field or Jamster with his Disney Avengers Hawkeye Crossbow (that's an Olympic sport afterall) but then this occurred...

The cross trainer had been dragged into the lounge so I could attempt to burn off a few calories but Jamster had decided to copy the Olympic cyclists, jump on and have a go himself!



  1. Cross-training - yeah! Start 'em young. There's a future champion x.

  2. Brilliant idea! We have an exercise book that has been used far more by the children than me! Great photo x

  3. Ha ha that's funny! I hope watching the Olympics has spurred you on too x

  4. I have to be in a class to do exercise - I have no self discipline!

  5. Brilliant! Olympic inspiration in action.

  6. I need some inspiration like that - excellent idea leaving exercise equipment there :)

  7. helloitsgemma08/08/2012, 09:20

    thats just what my son has been doing. inspired by the Olympians! Everyone has to start somewhere.

  8. Bless. When ever I go round my parent's house my mother's cross trainer is a big hit. I've even thought of buying on for the kids for Chirstmas.

    Herding Cats

  9. I love it - although I'm not sure I'd be inspired by a cross-trainer lol.

  10. Haha great photo! Love that the Olympics has inspired so many kids to get sporty. Let's hope it continues long after the games are over.

  11. Great shot! Great idea too, watching those women running really opened my eyes LOL. I was scoffing some chocolate at the time...!

  12. Great photo. And some sports on the TV for inspiration.

  13. maybe i should get my kid's to do this safer than the road's


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