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12 January 2013

Our week that was - Outdoor fun, detoxing and Lush

Sunday the Mr and I had a browse around the shops before heading out for a long walk with the dog. I sliced up all of my caramel and chocolate torte I had made to give to family and saved one slice for the Mr to enjoy. The temptation was too much so I had to give it away before I ate it all!

Monday with the routine of school returning I had a workout before work and spent the evening visiting family with the Mini Mes

Tuesday I received a surprise delivery in the post of some Toffifee and a book so I had a read and a few treats before popping the rest in the fridge to share (I will be slim).

Wednesday Minxy received some books in the post that she won from her magazine so she snuggled up for a read before heading off to her dad's for the evening with Jamster. The Mr and I stayed in as unfortunately he had his wallet stolen at work so he spent the evening cancelling bank cards and speaking to the police.

Thursday was my cousin's 16th birthday so after work and school we visited her with some lovely Lush goodies as her gift.

Friday I went to see Les Miserables so we walked the poochie a little earlier than usual. Jamster found a small hill and pretended to be a ninja on it... I don't know where he gets it from!

 Today we headed to some nearby woods that we hadn't taken the Mini Mes to before and we enjoyed stomping about in really thick mud and exploring. The trees looked a little spooky as the sun began to set.

I'm linking this with...

Photobucket TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky


  1. mmm those Lush goodies look well - Lush!

  2. oh dear about the wallet, nice about the prizes, and yes trees can look spooky in the twilight

  3. Some lovely photos and it sounds like an interesting week. What was Les Mis like? I'm dying to go and see it.

    1. It was superb bar Russell Crowes singing lol. Enjoy :) x

  4. Sorry to hear about the wallet. I really need chocolate now after seeing your first picture and I've used all my syns for today so I'm going to have be strong!

  5. Looks like a busy week! Shame about the wallet episode spoiling it a bit. So horrid when that happens. Well done on sharing out all the delish food! I have never seen or read Les Mis but have recently downloaded it onto my Kindle! Figured I should seeing as it's been around for decades!!

  6. That caramel and chocolate torte looks lovely x

  7. so sorry that your OH had his wallet stolen :(
    asides from that it sounds like a lovely week and that chocolate and caramel torte looks deeeelicious! and i love LUSH products! x

  8. The Lush goodies look great, sorry to hear about the spoiler of your week though, hope things have picked up.

  9. I love the Pump it up dvds! I did the 2nd one this week, can't move now though!

  10. That cake looks delicious! Have to say I admire you for doing a workout before work, more guiltless reason to eat cake ;)

  11. Great week and lots of reading, sorry to hear OH had his wallet stolen :( Hope it makes it's way back

  12. Sounds like a fun week. Your torte looks amazing!

  13. So good of you to give the cake away.......i love Lush, its my treat!

  14. That torte looks amazing! Sorry to hear about the wallet, that's awful! X

  15. Great photos, love the trees but love the chocolate torte even more!

  16. I really like the bare branches against the sky. Winter is here!

  17. The Lush products look great

  18. So sorry to hear about the wallet, but the rest of the week seemed great


  19. That torte looks AMAZING!! I don't think i could have resisted! x

  20. Your week looks yummy and you sound like you have resisted giving in well. Sorry about the wallet.

  21. What a lovely week of eating and reading. my type of week x

  22. Toffifee are totally amazing and would never have been able to save some!

  23. Sorry to hear about your OH wallet hope it's all sorted now and nothing has gone!
    My little one was pretending to be a green ninja today :-) x

  24. Those trees are amazing, so beautiful and eerie. Lovely photo of your daughter enjoying her book.

    Thanks for linking up

  25. Love Les Miz and cant wait to see it at the cinema. Lovely photos thanks for visiting my blog x

  26. The chocolate and caramel torte looks yummy! I want it now :-)

  27. Oh my, that torte looks amazing!
    Sorry to hear about the wallet being stolen, hope you were able to sort out the cards without too much hassle.
    Thank you for linking up to My Week That Was x

  28. Great photos. I think I would have to give that torte away too.

  29. That torte looks amazing, I could never have given it away! How awful about the wallet. Otherwise looks like you had a great week.


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