Family | Life | Food | Travel

26 January 2013

Saturday Caption

I'd love to say that now the Mini Mes are a little older taking pictures of them together has got easier, but it hasn't!

What are the terrible twosome up to here?
These was taken Easter 2010!

 Do you have a funny or witty comment for these pictures?
I'd love to hear it!

You can link up your own picture or view more over with the sexy mama that is Mammasaurus.

Have a great weekend.



  1. They have such wonderful smiles!

  2. OK, we'll both smile together, but only for Easter eggs.

  3. Sniff my armpit! Good boy - now I'll smile ;)

  4. I'm only doing this as she will have pretty friends when I'm older!!

  5. Honestly we weren't doing anything bad just look at our innocent smiles

  6. nothing witty for comments, my brain is too fried after an afternoon of helping with homework, but I do think that last photo is lovely.x

  7. quick smile and then we can watch tv!

  8. Gorgeous kids, nothing funny to add but they look so happy together!


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