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23 November 2013

Make 2014 a Better Year for Someone

Our New Year’s resolutions are always the same, aren’t they? Get fit, lose weight, give up smoking…
Self-improvement is all very well and good, but what if you could do more? What if you could make someone else’s life better in 2014? 

With child sponsorship, you can do just that, and bask in the satisfaction that at least one of your resolutions will be going to plan. 

Charities all over the UK use child sponsorship programs to help change the lives of children worldwide. Being a child sponsor gives you a unique insight into the life of a child in a developing country, and over time you will be able to watch your sponsored child benefit from your kindness and generosity as they continue to improve their lives. 

Letters, photos and reports from your sponsored child and charity will help you see the difference you are making in that child’s life and the impact your contribution has. 

You are free to write to your sponsored child and see how they are doing. In fact, most charities encourage this, as the letters help to improve the child’s literacy skills and help you to establish a connection with your sponsored child. Also, reading a letter from someone miles away who cares about them and is willing to support them is priceless to these children, and can help to motivate them in their ambitions. 

Start off the New Year by making an immediate improvement to a child’s life. When you sign up for child sponsorship, you will be given the choice of sponsoring either a boy or a girl. You will receive a profile of your sponsored child as well as photos of them and their family. You will also receive guidance on writing to your sponsored child as well as writing materials. 

Just knowing that someone else cares about their fate and is sending some of their hard-earned cash to help them improve their lives means a great deal to these children and their families. For the minimal cost of 50 pence a day, you could help change a child’s life forever. 

The money you donate goes towards projects that will best benefit your sponsored child and the needs of their community, be it agricultural training, renovating wells for clean water, building and restoring schools or providing immunisations. Most importantly, the emphasis is placed not on hand-outs, but on helping the community to take ownership of these projects so they can help themselves out of poverty and become stronger as a community for the benefit of themselves, their children and future generations. 

Make your New Year’s resolution one you won’t give up on this year, and help change the lives of a child and their family for the better. Your contribution will make a difference not only today, or for the next year, but for many years to come due to the projects that your generosity can help fund and sustain. 

*Sponsored Guest Post*


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