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05 December 2013

Elf on the Shelf #5

Our elf had two little parcels by his side today! The one wrapped in pink contained the contents from a Box of OMG for Minxy and the one wrapped in orange a Box of Awesome.

You can register for your own FREE boxes here:

The boxes, which are delivered every two months include a variety of things including books, Moshi Monster cards, a Zelf and Skylanders stickers.

I'll be posting daily updates during our elf's visit and if you have an elf for December feel free to link up your posts below. It might help to give others some ideas.

If you want to comment on a few others that would be great.


1 comment

  1. I remember hearing about these boxes, but completely forgot to sign up - thanks for reminding me! :-)


Thanks for taking the time to stop by. We love to hear your thoughts - feel free to pop a comment in the box!

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