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15 February 2014

Project 365 - A Photo A Day #7

Unfortunately it has been a very boring week due to a back injury and my photos reflect that. Hopefully with half term here and 23 tablets a day I'll soon be on the mend and producing some more exciting pictures to share!!

Sunday - Jamster and I went to an advance screening of The LEGO Movie while Minxy went shopping with my parents. I managed to damage my back by simply bending over to pick up something up and I have been unable to walk (or move very much) since. 

Monday - It took me 53 minutes just to get from my bedroom to the loo so I ended up borrowing my Grandma's zimmer frame for the week... stylish!

Tuesday - I sent some cake to some bloggers as my Random Act of Kindness and I received one for myself also. It certainly cheered me up.

Wednesday - Spartan has been very protective of me this week and has sat by my feet at all times to make sure I'm OK. He is such a little sweetie.

Thursday - A bonus of being stuck at home - people bring you food. Lots of Oliver Adams and a Subways this week. Not looking forward to my weigh in!

Friday - For Valentine's Day the Mr got me a bottle of Raspberry vodka and a lovely box of chocolate scented bath bombs. I'm very much looking forward to using both when I'm able to drink and get in the bath again.

Saturday - A new charm for my bracelet (silver one with lots of hearts on) that I won in a competition.

What have you been up to this week?

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky



  1. Ooo raspberry vodka and chocolates, very nice!

  2. How awful to have hurt your back in such a way - the bath bombs will definitely be a great treat once you're better. And I love how Spartan is watching over you.

  3. Ahh bless I just love your doggie!

  4. Never tried raspberry vodka but sounds lovely - why do you need a zimmer frame (temporarily)

  5. yummy raspberry vodka, hope your back gets better real soon, bless your doggy looking after you :) #project365

  6. Oh goodness sorry about your back and hope you are on the mend.

  7. We love playing Cluedo. Those chocolates look lovely.

  8. oooh raspberry vodka sounds nice! those chocolates look yummy too - i am feeling hungry now (also at a cheesecake just now on another post!)
    so sorry about your back - that sounds awful for you. i hope it soon gets beteter for you x x

  9. I love your Pandora bracelet. It's lovely and those bath bombs look fab too! So sorry to hear about your back! How awful. I know how painful and debilitating a bad back is!

  10. I've heard The Lego Movie is really good.
    I like your new heart charm.

  11. Oh no - hope you feel much better soon! Well done for keeping up the challenge even under these circumstances and hope you get that lovely bath in due course!


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