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19 June 2014

Woodland Walks - A Nature Craft

Once the bluebells have been and gone and the green grass is getting wild and long the woodland walk becomes a little eerie. The tree of treasures left by passers by is no longer a cute collection of toys but instead it becomes a spooky bundle of forgotten play-things. 

There is still something beautiful and enchanting about it though...

The mud was really thick from the recent rain and it squelched beneath our boots with every step. We ducked and dodged low branches and played pooh sticks in the overflowing stream.

We soon discovered thousands of Maple tree seeds on the floor and it  gave me an idea of a simple nature craft to try.

Dragonfly Craft

You will need:
Maple tree seeds
Twigs (thin and approx 6" long)
Glitter/nail polish/paint/gems

Glue 4 Maple seeds onto each twig to represent wings, nearer to one end of the twig
To decorate you can use nail polish or paint but for a sparkly look try using glitter and gems
You can glue on two gems for eyes if you wish
Allow to dry

You can place these in your garden to bring some extra sparkle to plants and trees and to remind you of your woodland walk.

Have you used nature to get creative recently?



  1. Oh Emma those Dragonflies are gorgeous! Great photography too I am very jealous of your new camera! :)

    1. I love it! It's a Canon and my first 'proper' camera.
      The dragonflies are lovely and add some colour to greenery x

  2. Oh how pretty are they?! What a great idea!

    1. Thanks Fozia. I would love to hear how you get on if you make them x

  3. This looks like a great walk. I adore all the little bits and bobs you found and love the dragonflies.

  4. I didn't know they were maple seeds! We used to call them aeroplanes when I was a kid, throw them in the air and watch them fall to the ground.

    1. We had fun doing that too! I only recently discovered from the Mr what they actually are called too! x

  5. They look great! So pretty, you are very creative x

  6. I love these. I've pinned it to our kid crafts board :)

    1. Aww thank you Michelle! I hope you enjoy them x

  7. What a love!y idea! Sadly in inner city Birmingham we have no woods near to us to explore :-(

    1. Such a shame. Maybe pack a picnic and visit one a bit further way? You might find some in a nearby park though :) x

  8. wow it is a little spooky but beautiful at the same time, I laughed seeing kungfoo panda there! x

  9. Makes you wonder what the toys get up to when they're on their own... ;)
    Love the little dragonflies - so pretty! Thanks for sharing at #Pintorials

  10. What a lovely idea. I think it is great to use nature to create crafts. These are really pretty. Thanks for linking up to #Playtime

  11. These are wonderful - I make dragonflies but in a totally different way. I shall have to blog about it! (The forgotten playthings are a bit weird but also quite enchanting.)

  12. What a lovely idea and I'm sure my daughter would love to make these dragonflies when I show her the pictures. :)

  13. What gorgeous ideas - especially the dragonflies made from maple seeds! We just collected some today when out walking the dog! We saw lots of brown leaves already too!

  14. I love these. Brilliant idea. x

  15. wow this is a fantastic idea, my kids love arts and crafts, will do this when we find some seeds :)

  16. me and the kids will give this a go

  17. Fantastic, we will be doing this

  18. My daughter is in the dragonflies room at her nursery. This would be great for her.

  19. had such a adventure.. :)


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