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16 July 2014

You Know It's The End Of The School Year When...

... The kids bombard you with artwork! All of the wall displays are taken down from the classes and the pictures are sent home. Most arrive ripped, covered in twisted staples or slightly crumpled after being rammed into their bags, but it's always lovely to see how creative they have been.

Minxy has so far this week returned home with quite a collection!

A cat carrying flowers...

An owl painting especially for me....

Her adding white colour work of a rose painting...

A poppy drawn with pastels...

And my absolute favourite is her word art just because it is actually a picture of her and in my eyes it is quite a mature piece. The teachers took photographs of each child and using the shadows they had to recreate it in a drawing. Minxy used words relating to how somebody at war may feel for hers...

Close up...

What have your children created this week?

Mini Creations



  1. Those are amazing pictures, I love the one with the writing how clever. #minicreations

  2. Wow that word art is fabulous. Beautiful pictures :-)

  3. Some great pieces of art work. Our house is awash with them at the moment. I save the very best into a folder to give back to them when they are older x

  4. That word art is absolutely genius. What an amazing piece. How old is your child?

  5. I too love seeing what my children have created. The word picture is such a clever idea, and she did a great job.

  6. love these - what fab artwork!

  7. Wow! These are amazing! Thanks far sharing her precious creations.

  8. She's really talented, great pictures

  9. Wow, so many absolutely stunning pictures and the word art is amazing.
    Is it going into frame?

  10. What some fantastic works of art they are wonderful! x

  11. Some gorgeous artwork......i am partly dreading the amount of work that comes home as never know quite what to do with it

  12. Grace says - WOW! What an awesome collection. Minxy has certainly been busy at school this year. Well Done Minxy - *high-5's*. Thanks for linking to #minicreations

  13. what a great portrait very talented


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