From Babies with Love is the baby brand that donates 100% of profits to orphaned and abandoned children. Every penny of profit from its beautiful organic baby clothes goes to the charity SOS Children, to help build and run children’s villages around the world. In these safe and happy places, vulnerable children can grow up in a loving family.
The children have lost their parents through war, famine, disease or poverty. They are cared for by their SOS Mother; they live in family homes in the village with their SOS brothers and sisters. SOS Mothers care for the whole family, comforting, celebrating, doing all the things that parents do. This enables children who would otherwise be left to fend for themselves, on the streets or in slums, to have a second chance in life.
Whether you’re choosing baby clothes for newborns, first birthdays, baby showers, maternity leave or a special treat just because, every purchase from their beautiful collection enables these children to grow up in loving family homes.
For your chance to win £100 of baby clothing in age 6-12 months for either a boy or girl you can enter via the Gleam entry form below.
The giveaway ends at 11.59pm GMT on 4th August 2015.
Leaving a comment is mandatory but there are additional entry methods available also.
Good luck!

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My eldest looking out of the window asking me what the moon is. Simple memories make me smile x
ReplyDeleteGiving birth for the first time - the moment I becme a mummy! It was magical!
ReplyDeleteI have so many - probably giving birth would be the most but there are so many special moments!
Holding my kids for the first time and seeing their little faces
ReplyDeletei'm loving feeling my little one kicking inside my tummy :)
ReplyDeleteMaking my children smile and giggle for the first time! :D
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to hold our little one for the first time!
ReplyDeletesaying their first word
ReplyDeletethe first footsteps
ReplyDeleteSleepy cuddles. They were so precious, I miss them so much. My friend is due in January & I'm looking forward to sleepy cuddles with her new addition :) x
ReplyDeleteWatching them learning to walk
ReplyDeleteseeing my baby's face for the first time !! then thinking i could never love someone more that i love this little human x
ReplyDeleteHolding my baby after having a miscarriage and taking us a year to conceive. X
ReplyDeleteI love watching my three sleep they look so peaceful... of an they're not arguing!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI used to hold my babies for hours whilst they slept in my arms,I just couldn't put them down.
ReplyDeleteHolding all my four babies for the first time after they were all born
ReplyDeleteHas to be when my babies first smiled at me. Heart warming.
ReplyDeletei liked my daughters first smile
ReplyDeleteMy childrens first day in school
ReplyDeletethere are so many to choose from, the best is watching them all get on and having a good giggle together playing a board game
ReplyDeleteFirst footsteps defiantly xx
ReplyDeletei love snuggling under the duvet watching films with my little one, we are currently trying for baby number 2, my daughter keeps saying, 'i want a brother, sort it out daddy' which is hilarious x
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to meeting my baby boy for the first time.
ReplyDeleteI loved seeing my babies smile as he woke up in the morning. He was always happy and pleased to see me
ReplyDeleteSeeing my boys for the first time after birth and kisses and cuddles from them xx
ReplyDeleteGreat times when they are just born.
ReplyDeleteThe first timethey say Mumma or Dadda. Priceless.
ReplyDeleteIt's so hard to choose just one x i have to say watching them smile in their sleep x
ReplyDeleteFirst word, first smile, first steps they are all wonderful memories & they keep coming.
ReplyDeleteTheres so many! I just had my third and final baby 3 months ago, this time as I know I will never experience having a baby again I do find myself getting a little more emotional about every little thing she does
ReplyDeleteThe first time I seen my daughter wee face is my fondest memory its the day I learned how to love with all my heart.
ReplyDeleteWhen they say their first word xx
ReplyDeleteSeeing their faces for the first time.
ReplyDeleteWhile we were watching an old black and white movie, one of my twin boys asked me "Was everything in black and white when you were a child?" Still makes me smile.
ReplyDeletethe first time i held her in my arms and thinking how could i have made something so perfect?
ReplyDeletethe mornings and when I go to get them from their cots. the smile they give me as they see me enter the room.
ReplyDeleteThe first cuddle of the day as i lift them out of their bed and cot. Sarah Hurrell
ReplyDeleteI loved holding my baby girl for the first time. It was over 9 years ago and I am looking forward to doing it again with number 2 in a few months :)
ReplyDeleteBringing my baby home for the first time :)
ReplyDeleteMy girlfriend giving birth
ReplyDeleteThe birth of my daughter was my proudest and most memorable moment
ReplyDeleteI had my son by emergency c-section so my best memory is setting eyes on him for the first time - amazing xx
ReplyDeleteReading to my son, precious times :)
ReplyDeleteWhen I was younger, I was terrified of the dark (I still am). So my mother bought me a light up kitty. Whenever I was scared I would rub her cheeks- they would grow red and make me feel better. I still have this today!
ReplyDeleteMy children's first smiles :)
ReplyDeleteTo spoil that little girl rotten
ReplyDeleteVery first moment I saw him!
ReplyDeleteUnconditional love.
ReplyDeleteKelly glen.
The first night we bought my daughter home from the hospital. After tiring and exhausting nights of worry in SCBU it was pure joy to come home - even though the car did break down en route!
ReplyDeleteseeing their little faces for the first time
ReplyDeleteBringing both my newborn children home from hospital
ReplyDeleteSeeing my daughter for the first time after she was born. Nothing will ever compare to that moment and feeling as though I had just won the lottery, I was on cloud 9 as I pushed her in her cradle over to the postnatal ward.
ReplyDeletemeeting my baby for the first time!
ReplyDeleteDefinitely when they were first go through all of that pain etc but that moment when they are placed in your arms for the first time makes it all worthwhile :)
ReplyDeletefirst steps
ReplyDeleteFirst words :D
ReplyDeleteThe first time they told me they loved me spontaneously
ReplyDeleteThe first time my children smiled and chuckled :) x
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to the dirty nappies lol
ReplyDeleteI am looking forward to seeing our baby on our first scan
ReplyDeletehas to be giving birth for the first time - leanne w
ReplyDeleteI am most looking for to sharing so many amazing firsts with my wife an child, first step, first word, first tooth, first family holiday :)
ReplyDeleteSeeing his first little smile / hearing him laugh for first time :)
ReplyDeleteMeeting both my sons for the first time
ReplyDeletethe first scans
ReplyDeleteDays out/Family Holidays <3 x
ReplyDeleteKids are expensive
ReplyDeleteSeeing the baby scans
ReplyDeleteseeing his first smile
ReplyDeleteWhen people comment on how well behaved my children are!
ReplyDeleteWatching my little one gain confidence in herself
ReplyDeleteMy daughter's first giggle / laugh
ReplyDeleteTheres so many! when my little boy took his first steps would be one of the biggest, he was 30 months and we had been waiting for that day for a very long time! I cried tears of joy and was so proud!
ReplyDeleteI remember them being there for me through the ups and downs.
ReplyDeleteHolding my babies for the first time, so magical
ReplyDeleteI love how she holds my finger when I am feeding her :o)
ReplyDeleteRocking in the rocking chair, feeding and cuddling my little boy.
ReplyDeleteQuiet, sleepy baby snuggles... as long as I live, I would never get bored of having a soft warm bundle of love fall asleep curled up on my chest :')
ReplyDeleteAww shucks, broody for another already!
I loved it when my little girl used to fall asleep breast feeding. I have another baby on the way so hopefully I'll experience that again.
ReplyDeleteTed saying I love you for the first time :) It makes me melt every time! :)
ReplyDeleteMy first scan with my daughter - and the scan for the one I am expecting now. Makes it all so very real and exciting.
ReplyDeleteSo far i think it was those first few days when she was so tiny!
ReplyDeleteSeeing my daughter sleeping for the first time x
ReplyDeleteWatching my late husband dance about our living room with our first born, Lisa, to the dulcet tones of Nat King Cole singing 'Mona Lisa'.
ReplyDeleteEli saying 'mama' for the first time, but now every day there is something new. Being a first time parent is amazing
ReplyDeleteMy oldest daughter telling me she loves me 'big as the moon' - made my heart go pop!!!
ReplyDeleteMy fondest memory is a Sunday morning with all 4 of us in our bed
ReplyDeleteI think watching them sleep is the most magical thing ever!
ReplyDeleteMy little one is due any day now, I can't wait to see her little face, I've spent 9 long months imagining what wshe will look like! And to hold her close after all this time carrying her!
ReplyDeleteAll 3 of my children have been c-sections.... my favourite memories are seeing my partners face light up and the love pour out to each of our babies <3
ReplyDeleteloooking fwd to my sons 1st word
ReplyDeleteHolding my kids for the very 1st time!! Im entering this on behalf of a friend who has all this excitement to come... she is due her first baby in January xx
ReplyDeleteThe joy of pregnancy even though it's tough, and giving birth not knowing if a girl or boy, followed by that first cuddle x
ReplyDeleteMy proudest moment was when my eldest son won the whole school spelling bee
ReplyDeleteI had a waterbirth with my daughter and my favourite moment was lifting her from the water and seeing her for the first time. Another baby due in December, so excited.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHopefully seeing them smile as i enter a room
ReplyDeleteHearing them giggle for the first time
ReplyDeletethem laughing for the first time is amazing! x
ReplyDeletehis first steps
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to teaching them how to skateboard
ReplyDeleteraise my children in the best way
ReplyDeletewhen my son was born.
ReplyDeleteThe responsibility
ReplyDeleteThere is something amazing about taking a tiny little dot around with you and teaching them as you go!
ReplyDeleteMy eldest daughter giving her younger sister a cuddle for the first time
ReplyDeleteholding my baby for the first time is what i am looking forward too.
ReplyDeleteGiving my son his first kiss just after he was born
ReplyDeleteThe first footsteps
ReplyDeletegetting to hold him for the first time, he was born via emcs so i didnt get to hold him straight away and all the medical staff commented that I'd looked so poorly before hand but the minute i held my boy i looked so happy and content and much better, he completed me thats why
ReplyDeleteHaving a special little person to love and share adventures with!
ReplyDeleteTaking my little girl on our honeymoon when she was five months old. My second is now 5 months old and we are taking her away next excited!
ReplyDeleteMy children's first day in school x
ReplyDeletethe first giggle x
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to having a little one look up at me and be dependent on me
ReplyDeleteFirst cuddles :)
ReplyDeleteMy fondest memory has to be seeing my baby for the first time <3 You spend 9 months wondering who your baby will look like... Then amazingly, they are here! And gorgeous! Xxx
ReplyDeleteThe very first cuddle xx
ReplyDeleteseeing my children smile
ReplyDeleteLittle hugs and kisses from them
ReplyDeleteMy boys are so different and so full of character. Everyday is full of fun (and occasional stress). They have a baby brother or sister due in October and are just a tad excited!
ReplyDeletewatching him sleep , so beautiful !
ReplyDeletesaying their first word
ReplyDeleteStroking my little girls face until she goes to sleep.
ReplyDeleteI love the cuddles, could sit and cuddle mine all day. Sometimes I do :)
ReplyDeleteI love the cuddles, could sit and cuddle mine all day. Sometimes I do :)
ReplyDeleteWatching my eldest love and cherish her little sister - singing to her, stripping her off the change her nappy :/ and chatting 'look molly flower' 'look molly dog' - melts my heart
ReplyDeleteMy fondest memory was when my daughter was 3, she came and woke me up the morning of my birthday, I asked her to sing happy birthday to me, she said I can't remember the words but then proceeded to sing it anyway...soo adorable and I caught it on video too :D
ReplyDeletehugs and cuddles
ReplyDeleteMy fondest moment would be seeing my little boy smile at me for the first time, looking over at him in his moses and seeing his face light up was the most rewarding thing :)
ReplyDeleteWhen my daughter looked at me straight after she was born. @jaizduck
ReplyDeleteI loved when my baby would fall asleep lying in my arms :)
ReplyDeletemy childrens first smile
ReplyDeletewatching them grow. those precious moments - first step, word, etc.
ReplyDeleteoh theres so many i couldnt even begin to choose one.. but introducing new foods is alwasy a fave with me due to the incredibly cute facial expressions that go with food
ReplyDeletethe first time I held each of my babies in my arms
ReplyDeleteHolding my babies for the first time
ReplyDeleteWatching my babies grow and develop as people.
ReplyDeleteMy daughter being born! Just amazing!
ReplyDeleteThe first time they looked at me and realised I was mummy :)
ReplyDeletegiving birth is the best feeling ever
ReplyDeleteThe first time each of my two said mama!
ReplyDeleteWhen My son Giggled for the first time, he was in his bouncer on the kitchen floor and I was dancing around the kitchen cleaning, he burst out giggling, and I kept dancing because I didn't want him to stop hehe x
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to meeting my baby for the first time and holding him/her in my arms :)
ReplyDeletethe first time my baby smiled at me!!!!! :-)
ReplyDeleteSaying Mama for the first time
ReplyDeletei loved it when all my children said i love you for the first time <3
ReplyDeleteThe first time you hold your baby in your arms and they look. Into your eyes!
ReplyDeleteWith both of mine it was that amazing moment they placed them on my chest after giving birth - that moment you first meet!
ReplyDeleteFirst smile
ReplyDeleteHolding by babies for the first time
ReplyDeleteGiving birth to my precious baby girl after a stressful emergency induction because her heart was racing. It was a relief to have her out and safely in my arms. First cuddles were amazing and the song "Happy" was playing on the radio which seemed very fitting :-)
ReplyDeleteholding my son for the first time after a very long labour followed by a c-section. He's now all grown up and sports long hair, a beard, several large tattoos and an earring, but in my mind's eye he's still my baby boy.
ReplyDeleteSeeing my baby boy being held up by the midwifes when he was born. A moment i will cherish a lifetime!
ReplyDeleteThe first time holding our little one :)
ReplyDeleteBeing asked to be godmother
ReplyDeleteAll the quiet moments when they were asleep on my chest as tiny babies.
ReplyDeleteThe first time my little girl smiled at me!
ReplyDeleteteeny newborn baby snuggles!