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20 August 2015

How Does Pregnancy Affect Your Vision?

Pregnancy is an incredible experience. Feeling the first flutterings of movement, watching your bump grow week by week and welcoming a precious bundle of joy into the world is truly magical. Your body can change considerably during these 9 months, often in ways you wouldn't imagine, and your sight can surprisingly be one of the things to be affected.
Vision Direct questioned Mumsnetters to find out if they noticed any alterations with their eyes while preparing for motherhood and discovered that 70% noticed some changes! The below infographic shows the break down of the statistics teamed with some facts from the experts which may be particularly useful if you're trying to conceive or already have a child on the way.

Pregnancy and Vision Infographic

I didn't personally notice any changes with my vision until the last few days of pregnancy with Minxy when I started to suffer from double vision, an indicator that I had high blood pressure. When your sight changes it can be a sign of something critical (like pre-eclampsia and diabetes) so although most changes are nothing to worry about it's a good idea to visit your physician if you are concerned or if the affects remain after birth.
Was your vision affected by pregnancy?

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  1. Strangely enough, my eye-sight improved during my second pregnancy. I started getting headaches & after a few months after giving birth, I had my eyes checked. I was shocked to be improved 1 point. Very odd how pregnancy affects the eyes. x

  2. Wow, I'd never considered that pregnancy can affect things like eyesight! Thanks for sharing x

  3. I only learnt this fact a few weeks ago as it is something I had never heard of before x

  4. I have worn glasses since being a teenager and my eyesight has never been affected during my two pregnancies...didn't even realise they could be effected

  5. I don't remember it causing me any issues in my three pregnancies either.

  6. I had to get my prescription changed first time round. I've been ok this time though.

  7. I needed glasses throughout both my pregnancies and within 3m of them each being born i was back to 20/20 vision once again. Fascinating stuff!

  8. I needed glasses throughout both my pregnancies and within 3m of them each being born i was back to 20/20 vision once again. Fascinating stuff!

  9. I needed glasses throughout both my pregnancies and within 3m of them each being born i was back to 20/20 vision once again. Fascinating stuff!

  10. I did not know any of this!! I am yet to have a baby but its good to know in advance because its definately something you do not hear about!!
    Love Sian | The Tattooed Princess ♥

  11. Have never been pregnant before so wouldn't know but never thought with all the things happening with the body that sight would be affected too

  12. I didn't know vision could change during pregnancy. I don't think it affected mine as my prescription didnt change.

  13. I have to admit I had no idea that pregnancy could affect your eyes at all! x

  14. I had no changes to my vision in any of my pregnancies

  15. Oh yes, I'm a full time contact lens wearer and with Tia I found my normal prescription wasn't strong enough and with little legs, I got really dry eyes which I still have now.

  16. Interesting post, I never noticed my eyes being different during pregnancy but it's amazing how many it affects!

  17. This is really interesting. I never noticed a difference in my eyesight during pregnancy, but I'm wishing now that I'd paid more attention!

    Louise x

    With love from Lou

  18. My eyesight has suffered more and more with each pregnancy I've had, and it never gets better inbetween sadly. Its a symptom that is so rarely mentioned! xx

  19. I didn't have any vision changes during my pregnancies but I have had laser surgery - I don't know if that makes a difference! I still use eye drops now though!

  20. I remember my Mum telling me that pregnancy can affect eyesight, so I always booked an eyesight check while expecting x

  21. I didn't have any issues with my eyes during pregnancy but now the kids are 8,7&4 I just can't keep my eyes open! Worn out!

  22. I suffer from anaemia which is worse during pregnancy so I always get spots and dizzy spells which would effect my vision every time i stood up or was stood up for long periods x

  23. my pregnancys were both horrible! its crazy how much it can change your body, never knew it could effet your eyes though!

  24. Wow I didn't know pregnancy could affect eyesight

  25. wow this is really interesting (being pregnant myself at the moment!) I don't think I've noticed anything like this but I do have lots of water retention! x

  26. I struggled to wear my contacts during my pregnancies due to dry eyes

  27. I have not had much trouble with my eyes during this pregnancy although I did have one week where my eyes got very dry causing very painful headaches and sickness

  28. I don't remember having any issues/differences with my vision in ether of my 2 pregnancies.

  29. I cannot say I had any trouble with my vision during pregnancy apart from dry eyes

  30. I hadn't heard about this until recently. Thankfully I didn't have any problems.

  31. Pregnancy does the weirdest thing to bodies doesn't it? I had no idea it could affect vision too!!


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