Family | Life | Food | Travel

09 May 2016

WIN a Wigwam Holidays® Voucher for a Family Break

Here’s your chance to a WIN a fabulous Wigwam® Holidays Glamping Gift Voucher for a holiday with!

We all know glamping is here to stay, and if you haven’t experienced ‘glamorous camping’ yet, then give Wigwams® a try! Their timber cabins can be found at over 70 sites across the UK, from the Isle of  Skye to the Cornish Coast.

Family-friendly with comfy mattresses, lighting, lockable doors and Velux windows as standard, Wigwam® cabins come in four different models, from a Wee Brave to a Running Water Deluxe, which includes a kitchenette and an en-suite bathroom*.

Wigwam® cabins sleep between three and five guests and are placed in locations up and down the country close to visitor attractions amid beautiful countryside. Many sites accept pets and some allow campfires. So it’s a chance to get back to nature yet in total comfort!

Their timber cabins are made in Scotland, and they've been in business for over 21 years. It’s time to kick back, relax and time to enjoy the things that matter! 

For your chance to WIN a £150 voucher to book your Wigwam Holidays® break you can enter via the Gleam entry form below.

The giveaway ends at 11.59pm GMT on 6th June 2016.

Leaving a comment is compulsory but there are lots of additional entry methods available also to boost your chances.

Good luck!

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  1. I think I'd build a wigwam cabin if I had a garden big enough! Never been a fan of "old school" tents

  2. Maria Rogers09/05/2016, 10:56

    being out in nature, but having just a few creature comforts!

  3. glamping appeals to me as I already love camping and caravanning - this would just add a little bit of style and luxury - I would love to try it! :)

  4. i love the idea of camping, gtting closer to nature and the children love it but i need a comfy bed and a roof that keeps me dry haha

  5. I went last year for the first time and loved it! Would really love to go again!

  6. Looks like it has all the create comforts of home

  7. It's a time to relax & enjoy & get closer to Nature, it's an Escape from the usual sound of the busy city.:)

  8. Would love to go glampling we've not done it before but I think it would be lovely to reconnect as a family outdoors instead of the busy day to day life tasks with work and technology that takes us away from the things we really appreciate great quality family time x

  9. As close to camping as I can imagine my (autistic) son coping with :-)

  10. Its a fab way of enjoying the great outdoors without having to suffer the use of a tent! Especially if it's raining. I absolutely love the idea of these.

  11. Allison Campbell09/05/2016, 12:06

    It appeals to me as I can get to be in the great outdoors but with all my home comforts.

  12. Have always loved camping but age and creaking bones are spoiling the thrill of being outdoors, cooking and exploring. This would be a new adventure I would love my grandson (and his mum & dad!) to be part of.

  13. Glamping appeals to be as I like to be out in the fresh air, enjoying the countryside.

  14. We love camping and have a trailer tent, but the luxury of a hard roof and running water (no midnight toilet block dash) really appeals for a shorter break.

  15. Layla Thomas09/05/2016, 12:48

    I love the idea because it's a safer version of camping, so with our 2 year old I could relax a bit.

  16. Because it's all the fun of camping without the setting up and sorting the equipment out

  17. all the fun of the outdoors with some home comforts thankyou

  18. as much as I love nature I prefer nor to be a source of food for all sorts of insects which I usually am in a tent on the ground. Id hope Id be better protected from this happening if I were to go glamping

  19. A bit rustic but not too messy

  20. It appeals to me as although the thought of traditional camping doesn't, I wouldn't mind doing it with some home comforts!

  21. I like the thought of glamping, as camping is just one step too close to nature for me! The kids are desperate to camp but I'm just not sure!!!!!!

  22. Glamping appeals to me because I want to give the children the experience of sleeping outdoors but without the damp tent and inevitable downpour.

  23. I love a hotel and a bit of luxury... We did proper camping last year (we and the two older ones on our own) in the literal middle of nowhere and it was so much more fun than I thought - it was like time stood still out there. I would love to combine my need for a little luxury with the 'great outdoors' that the kids need and glamping is perfect for that! xx

  24. Michelle McCulloch09/05/2016, 16:57

    I'm always up for trying new things, and a wig wam break would certainly be that !

  25. I love going camping with my hubby & 9 year old daughter. ..great chance to enjoy the outdoors & have a break from our busy lives .

  26. I loved camping as a child but now I think I need my home comforts more, so glamping really fits the bill!

  27. I like nature but I also love a bit of comfort too!

  28. Bring a hotel girl and my husband loves tents. This is the perfect solution. My children would also love this experience

  29. Bring a hotel girl and my husband loves tents. This is the perfect solution. My children would also love this experience

  30. A little luxury with the great outdoors.

  31. Glamping appeals to me because I always used to enjoy camping with the family but, due to a back and neck problem, I am no longer able to sleep down low. This would get us as near to camping as I could manage.

  32. We love camping but a few creature comforts would make it even better!

  33. I think it seems a lot more appealing for a family with younger children. I would love to take my girls for an adventure, but not sure what they would make of sleeping in a tent x

  34. I camp but really fancy upping my

  35. some home comfort and freedom

  36. I have never done camping as it just never been my thing, glamping seems a little better version and thats why i like it

  37. I have never neen camping,I enjoy my home comforts too much but glamping looks much nicer and warmer!

  38. I tried glamping in a tepee an loved it!

  39. It would be something different to do that on a hoilday.

    Kelly Glen

  40. have tried traditional camping as a child, hated it with a passion, but friends have recommended glamping to me, this looks amazing.

  41. glamping appeals to me as I already love camping and want my sons to get the camping bug to

  42. I love the fact its a little safer with little ones, I can imagine my monkey getting out a tent before I wake up - love the idea of a locakable door!

  43. being out , a bit like camping as we do a lot of that

  44. I think my boys would find it so much fun

  45. Being outdoors, but with a comfy bed :-)

  46. Ah! This is what we want to do this summer! So cool! xx

  47. I love glamour, roughing it is just not appealing to me but glamping is right up my tent! xx

  48. Glamping is the perfect way of getting close to nature without having to rough it. I tried glamping a couple of years ago in a converted 'old tuck' parked in a farmer's field with my best friend and it was such fun.

  49. Camping is something i have done since being a child, so i love any type of break/holiday that involves lots of time in the great outdoors xx

  50. I've always loved camping but I'm getting too old to lie on the ground now, so this is a perfect compromise

  51. I love camping but haven't been in years so this would be lovely

  52. I love nature and planning to go camping with our children soon, this would make it bit more special ;-)

  53. I don't camping as it is too uncomfortable. This looks fun though for us all.

  54. Ive never been camping or glamping - looks like a fun way to ease myself into the great outdoors without actually having to buy all of the kit!!

  55. we love been outdoors but camping is a little much with young kids

  56. Fun with the family. No phones or electronic gadget just plain old fashion fun

  57. I love the idea of being so close to nature, but in more comfort than in a tent!

  58. Being cut off from the hustle and bustle of daily life and just being able to relax!

  59. My family want to go camping but I don't like sleeping in tents so Glamping seems like the better option, at least I'll have a bed x

  60. Camping is great but the weather is so unpredictable pitching a tent has lost its appeal. Glamping is just that bit more luxurious whilst still being away from it all.

  61. Kirsty Hosty10/05/2016, 15:18

    This appeals to me and my small family very as the English weather can be very hit and miss, especially when camping and with this you will at least be warm and dry.

  62. Being able to stay 'outdoors' without staying in a tent looks so much fun!

  63. Scooby and Cody would love to go

  64. I'd love to stay 'outdoors' but with the luxury of running water!

  65. I feel it offers all the advantages of camping with none of the disadvantages.

  66. I feel it offers all the advantages of camping with none of the disadvantages.

  67. We would love to go camping but still want some comforts plus it looks really fun!

  68. Glamping seems to me to be the perfect combination of getting out into nature, but being able to get some sleep!

  69. It would be something different to do

  70. Great way of getting the family back to nature without having to take a car full of camping equipment, that you have to struggle to put up and take down, takes away all the stress and just a good break away

  71. You can take advantage of the great outdoors while still having some home comforts

  72. I love traditional camping, but sometimes it would be nice not to have to put a tent up! X

  73. We love camping so it appeals because it's more luxury then traditional camping xxx

  74. This comment has been removed by the author.

  75. i find camping very uncomfortable camping now im older, need a bit of comfort x

  76. It would be totally out of my comfort zone and i'm all about new experinces in 2016

  77. I love the outdoors and the sense of space. Watching the different lights at dawn and dusk and hearing the bird song. I have a back problem and camping is now too difficult. Glamping appeals as it is a chance to revisit childhood in a 'back friendly' way.

  78. Barbara Knight10/05/2016, 20:24

    I've always liked camping, but now I'm a bit older I would like a little luxury too.

  79. Comfort while camping great idea, thanks

  80. The fact I am such a silly scaredy cat with spiders and moths and wasps in fact anything bug like, especially if it flies. That's the reason I have always put off taking my boys as I would hate to share a tent with bugs. But I think glamping would give me that extra bit of confidence to man up and stare my fear or spiders straight in the face lol.

  81. Sounds like a good way to get close to nature but still get a good night sleep in comfort.

  82. I couldn't sleep in a tent, but these look quite comfortable!

  83. all the necessities but still close to the outdoors

  84. I love camping !! ,,, but havinf fibromyalgia, ME and arthiritis makes it difficult for me to cope with camping normally.. I miss it terribly :(

  85. we have a 3 year old daughter and just had twins. at hotels u cant have more than 4 people per room. we only can stay in places like these, and this looks AMAZING!! we had our first campervan holiday last year and absolutely loved it.

  86. Bex Whittaker10/05/2016, 22:51

    Love camping but too scared to attempt it with a new baby - glamping seems like and ideal compromise

  87. Gets me closer to the great outdoors and away from the city

  88. It's all of the great things about camping without tents and uncomfortable beds. All the conveniences of home!

  89. I think it appeals to me as I've never been camping, but am worried that I would feel uncomfortable and a bit unsafe in just a tent. Glamping gives a lovely time spent outdoors with the added comfort of being sheltered from the weather!

  90. looks really good and also looks friendly enough for my little one to go :) Sharon Lou Johnson

  91. It's a chance to get outdoors without having to buy tents and all the camping gear!

  92. Looks lovely - I'd love to try one for the night - I love camping - but glamping looks better

  93. This would be great for my creaky old mum and we can go on a family holiday.

  94. We have two toddlers so Glamping seems ideal for us, they don't travel light at the best of times so not having to take a tent is ideal! :D

  95. i love spending time in the outdoors with the children

  96. its a chance to get away without having to put up a tent!

  97. Honestly... It doesn't but It would be a hell of a lot of OMG moments, I would be scared! LOL

  98. Its sounds so fun, my boys and I are all about nature and this would be such a great experience xxx

  99. I love the outdoors and it looks such good fun!

  100. Because I like my creature comforts too much for actual camping!

  101. Ive never been camping so this really appeals to me :) Thank you so much for the chance a lovely giveaway x

  102. Gaby thurston11/05/2016, 16:15

    It appeals to me because I've been camping a few times and it's not very glamourous. You get cold at night and when it rains everything is damp. Thanks for the giveaway.

  103. I love nature and enjoy to be outdoors.

  104. I've never been glamping but it appeals to me because it's more luxurious & safer than camping,it'd be a great fun family holiday x

  105. To be outside in comfort!

  106. I always wake up too hot and sweaty in a tent which isnt so refreshing :)

  107. I like the idea of it as its just camping but gives you that little bit of luxury.

  108. It is perfect when you have little one and want to escape the city living.

  109. it looks fabulous and well relaxing

  110. I love the outdoor feel but with the comfort included. Too old to be sleeping on floors now.

  111. I love the outdoor feel but with the comfort included. Too old to be sleeping on floors now.

  112. I love the idea of camping in luxury it sounds fun and the kids would love it

  113. Love that the mod cons are available as that's my issue with camping!!

  114. a bit of luxury in the countyside - whats not to like?

  115. This would be fab for us. We already love camping, and have wanted to give this a try for ages!

  116. General camping is seen as a basic holiday...not for everyone...but by adding luxury, camping becomes 'glamorous' and is an option for a different range of people. People like me, who love the outdoors and the freedom, but need a little luxury too.

  117. I have never been glamping but I would love to as I really enjoy being out amongst nature and how much it relaxes me. I sometimes go on fishing trips but am not that keen on roughing it and sleeping in tents especially when the weathers bad, so glamping instead would be great. Thanks for the chance x

  118. I used to love camping but the thought of taking 2 young children in a tent...glamping would be the perfect alternative

  119. I wouldn't mind if the weather wasn't great as it puts me off being under canvass incase it rains

  120. It sounds better than camping in a middle of a field with no Loo. I call this Luxurious

  121. Because camping is awesome but I'm too pregnant to totally rough it!

  122. I love camping but there's a few little niggles that get to me. Being freezing at night but boiling when you wake up, sleeping on an uncomfy floor etc. With glamping it looks like you get the best of both worlds!

  123. I'd love to try Glamping - out in the fresh air but with some nice home comforts ! ��

  124. Because it is cool!

  125. Claire Louise15/05/2016, 20:27

    Love camping but husband not so keen. This is a happy compromise!

  126. Denielle Nicol16/05/2016, 01:34

    Cos I love camping but I do now like my home comforts and coziness now too! ���� Dxx

  127. I've always loved camping but I do like some creature comforts as well

  128. My family want to go camping but I hate the idea of it, this looks like a much more comfortable option x

  129. Ideal way to tempt a teenager to go on holiday with you!

  130. Time to enjoy the outdoors without being as damp!

  131. i hate normal camping, i feel dirty

  132. it is more comfortable than a tent, more waterproof, but you are close to nature

  133. it is more comfortable than a tent, more waterproof, but you are close to nature

  134. The great outdoors the fresh air

  135. the kids have always wanted to go camping but I am not the kind of person who could do basic so this would be perfect for everyone

  136. You feel a little bit safer in one of these rather than a tent, you know this won't blow away in the wind....

  137. More comfortable with the kiddies than a standard tent

  138. Sounds like the perfect stress free solution to camping with my boys!!!

  139. Sounds like the perfect stress free solution to camping with my boys!!!

  140. Because I cannot stand the flimsy, insecure, unpredictable nature of tent camping!

  141. It appeals because i think my kids would love the whole idea and it would seem like more of an adventure

  142. Glamping is something I've never done - I'd love to give it a go - my kids are at a great age for it now (3 & 5) and I think they'd have loads of fun as they love playing outside. Also we'd get a better night's sleep than in a tent :)

  143. It looks such fun and a posh form of camping.

  144. Getting away in the great outdoors is so much fun. Glamping appeals to the whole family and we love getting back to nature!

  145. getting away into the outdoors, been camping, so would love to try this xx

  146. No faffing around putting up / taking down tents!

  147. used to love camping, but with having back problems I cant do it now, and this is a posh version of camping

  148. always been in tents, so the added luxury of the warmth and comfort but still being in nature is fantastic

  149. I love camping but the luxury of being in a cozy space instead of the cold grounds sound heavenly

  150. This sounds like the ideal mini break to me! Love camping but rubbish at sleeping on the ground haha. Fingers crossed!

  151. Camping without the fuss of putting up a tent; and no leaky tent that could even blow away. talking from experience here! haha

  152. well we went camping as a kid. and between my dad tripping over the guy line and landing on my brother who then threw up, to another time where my brother was too scared to go out to the toilet so wee'd in the tent i've had a mixed time camping! this looks a lot more fun and there's a proper toilet haha :)

  153. All the fun of camping but with some home comforts

  154. this would suit me so much , I'm a glamping kind of lady

  155. glamping is the fun of camping without the faff of trying to put a tent up with two small children in tow!

  156. because i love camping but dont love the downsides such as pitching tentsandlackof comfort!

  157. It's a better version of camping with a few little luxuries through in!

  158. It's a way to enjoy the great outdoors without all the negatives like wet muddy tents and trying to get into your pjs in the dark!!

  159. It looks fun. I love camping, but with these it's a bit more protection with the weather and also easier in terms of not having to build and cooking

  160. i have arthritis and so can't bend down to get in or out of a tent, so glamping is simply an essential for me!

  161. A more comfortable way to be at one with nature!

  162. Glamping is the perfect mix of being close to nature but with enough home comforts

  163. As we love being close to nature with added comfort!

  164. Its the perfect combination of the outdoors and luxury. I would love to try glamping.

  165. I think my boys would love it but I still need a few of my home comforts!

  166. The feel of camping, with the reassurance of safety for the kids

  167. camping with comfort. Sounds good to me :)

  168. Because we love camping but don't want to bring all the necessities that go with it. This is much easier and more comfy!

  169. You are outdoors, but warm, dry and comfortable!

  170. I like staying outdoors close to nature but a few home comforts make it a more well comfortable experience.

  171. looks more relaxing than camping

  172. a year ago i tried to put up a tent for the first time. it's still up in my garden because i can't get it down. Glamping is definitely the better option for me.

  173. We love camping, but having a roof and a kettle definitely adds to the appeal of glamping!!

  174. It would get the kids back to nature, without being too hard on me

  175. Because I love camping but this would have just a little bit more luxury and comfort

  176. I like camping but I'm a bit apprehensive about taking our 1 year old. I think this would be a great way of seeing if she would enjoy it.

  177. Glamping appeals to me because I always used to love camping but since having kids I can't lay down on the ground for long periods of time.

  178. Camping in style, with no effort of bringing your own tent to put up.

  179. I'm not a fan of waking up cold & damp on the floor, but I love getting closer to nature.

  180. We just love visiting new places and trying out different accomodation - we've done camping, caravaning, hotels and cottages but never glamping.

  181. We love camping in a regular tent. It would be exciting to try a different kind of camping experience.

  182. Would absolutely love to go glancing, bit of time away with my children and wife. No technology and camping adventures with a but of comfort. Would be amazing

  183. I love the great outdoors but also love being warm and comfortable :D

  184. Living in the outdoors has always appealed to me because it is back to nature.

  185. I love the thought of camping without the icky bits - It's appeals to the child in me while still keeping the adult in me happy!!

  186. I love the great outdoors but cant cope with normal camping in a tent on an air bed mattress. If I dont get a semi-decent nights sleep im a grumpy bugger so glamping therefore appeals greatly!

  187. I do love camping getting up, straight out into the fresh morning air. But I do not enjoy setting the tent up, the rain etc. So glamping definitely appeals to me. Fab giveaway.

  188. I love Glamping, all the comforts of home with all the benefits the great outdoors has to offer. <3

  189. joys of the outdoors with abit of comfort thrown in

  190. Glamping combines all the fun and excitement of adventure outdoors and the safety of a secure base with convenient home comforts .perfect holiday for this mum

  191. Lindsay Taylor04/06/2016, 20:50

    We love camping but we went glamping for the first time in a wigwam last year and loved it! It appeals because there are less things to pack (or forget) than camping aqnd the sound of rain on the roof is quieter than on a tent!!!

  192. I love the idea of camping with the kids (I used to camp regularly with my dad as a child) but glamping sounds a lot easier with small children to contend with!

  193. We love camping and glamping we are an outdoorsy family just gives us more reason to be out and about and close to nature. Plus there is something so comforting about an open fire, I love the sound and the warmth

  194. I love camping but it would be so nice to have a trip without all of the fuss of setting up a tent, etc.

  195. I've been camping lots in the past - memories of sitting in the car waiting for the rain to stop so we can pitch the tent, having to put on wellies and raincoat and find the torch to go to the loo block in the middle of the night, not to mention checking everything for earwigs! This would be a far nicer way to get out into the countryside.


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