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14 September 2016

Magical Family Fun for Halloween

Gross Magic is a much sought after favourite of tricksters everywhere! This set features props and ideas for more than forty revolting magic tricks and illusions so your little ones can impress their audience (or should we say victims) this Halloween with the practised use of a ‘clean to dirty’ toilet and ‘poo paper’, hatching cockroach eggs, slime in a dustbin, jumping and vanishing bogies, pretend veins and a squidgy telepathic brain, to name but a few.

These conjuring feats are guaranteed, with a bit of preparation, to produce groans of nausea from friends and family.

Gross Magic Set

Gross Magic is £19.99 and suitable for children aged 8+.
Visit for more details.

For your chance to WIN Gross Magic in time for Halloween you can enter via the Gleam entry form below.

The giveaway ends at 11.59pm GMT on 15th October 2016.

Leaving a comment is compulsory but there are lots of additional entry methods available also to increase your chances.

Good luck!

WIN Gross Magic

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  1. When I was younger, we played Nicky Knocky Nine Doors but that is as far as my tricks went! I was too chicken!

  2. my kids love dressing up then going with friends trick or treating

  3. my kids love dressing up then going with friends trick or treating

  4. i cut the bottom off the cornflake box so when my gran picked it up they all fell out

  5. we have no current plans but the children normally go to one of their friends for a halloween party.

  6. Yes, Halloween parties have become populat. The last couple of years we have had to choose from a few invitations to parties for Halloween. Decision made for this year, now to decide what to wear etc.

    Rachel Craig

  7. We will be having a little party at home!

  8. We have just moved house so would love to have a spooky party for my children this year

  9. Getting my children new outfits for their school party

  10. My mum used to work from home, and we'd put sellotape over the button on the telephone so it would keep ringing even after she picked it up, it fooled her every year!

  11. go to a friends party instead of knocking on doors

  12. My sister is having a party this year and as I'm pregnant I'm in search for a good costume :)

  13. Paula Readings15/09/2016, 07:51

    We once had a hanging spider by the doorbell & we could here the kids scream!!

  14. We once played trick or treat and ended up seriously annoyed when some man told our kids to swear off as he was on the phone... we were not happy at his language!

  15. My plans this year for halloween is to do my 3 year old a halloween party at home invite a few of her friends and fireworks in the garden! Excited :D

  16. My cousin always hosts a halloween party so we will be going there

  17. We tend to just trick or treat next door neighbours and grandparents

  18. Ann Marie Gould15/09/2016, 10:16

    we are going to my sisters for a party

  19. at work we put cling film over the toilet

  20. we have a halloween party at home every year, i love halloween!

  21. waiting for all the trick n treaters

  22. putting on an old mans Halloween mask and scaring the family

  23. taking my boys out trick or treating around our town x

  24. I don't really have plans this year. I used to love taking my grandchildren out trick or treating but now they have moved nearer to me their mum gets home to do it. We didn't have to do any 'tricks' as we were lucky to get treats.

  25. The kids will dress up and we will go to our local community centre to a party.

  26. A few years ago my hubby and I stole the remote for the tv from my sister in law, this was in October time. They searched everywher you could think of bins, cars, sheds etc and in the end blamed their 2 year old daughter with losing it. Imagine their surprise when it turned up on xmas day all wrapped up under the tree xxx

  27. We'll dress up and have a big family party where we watch scary movies and eat too many sweets!

  28. my plans for Halloween including sitting at home and waiting for trick n treaters with a big bowl of sweets

  29. We don't take my son trick or treating but we will carve a pumpkin and let him dress up at home

  30. My son wants to go trick or treating this year, he wants to dress up as Pikachu, he loves pokemon!

  31. Tricky or treating with my nephew and then a family party!

  32. Kelly Hooper15/09/2016, 18:29

    I'll sit at home waiting for trick or treaters while little ones big brother takes her out :)

  33. At the moment we are going to go trick or treating then enjoy eating our treats at home

  34. We are going to stay in and watch movies like hocus pocus

  35. No plans as such but we always decorate the house and dress up for lots of Halloween fun

  36. No firm plans yet but it will involve costumes, blood and three little monsters!

  37. We usually go to a friend's house for a fun party!

  38. we are going to my friend's halloween party

  39. Going to a house party!! :)

  40. Toni Pearson15/09/2016, 20:46

    We decorate our house and lay in wait for the neighbourhood kids to visit....My kids love handing out the sweets.

  41. We will probably just go trick or treating.

  42. I love hiding in the closet and jumping out!

  43. jumping out on people when they dont know your there is always fun

  44. We will stay at home ready for the little tricker treaters!

  45. My step-daughter and her partner are coming to stay with their 3 & 5 year olds so we will be having lots of Halloween themed fun! Trick or treating, spooky food and loads of Halloween games

  46. I don't have any plans this year, but the kids think differently. They're already planning their outfits and want to go trick or treating!

  47. helen tovell16/09/2016, 10:30

    We do the house up and open the door to trickle treaters

  48. my mum does really good halloween parties each year. I have done halloween craft parties for my boys and their friends for the last few years, but not sure about this year

  49. I was just watching staff putting out loads of Halloween stock just yesterday and thinking how quickly it seems to come around now every year? When I was little we barely thought about Halloween until a few days it's huge. Luckily my little boy got some wonderful costumes for his recent birthday so he's already sorted ;)

  50. Treat - we would always give sweets out

  51. Massive pumpkin carving will be going on in our house

  52. Going to Screamland Margate!

  53. We usual take the boys out trick or treating, I am already on the look out for gruesome costumes!

  54. My son is old enough now to go out with his friends. We are dressing the girls up in matching costumes and my husband is taking them trick or treating. I am on door duty for all the ghouls and goblins that knock on my door. x

  55. For always have a Harry Potter themed Halloween Party each year (think Pumpkin Pasties, Butterbeer, Chocolate Frogs etc.) as we're huge Harry Potter fans & our youngest's birthday is 2 days after Halloween so it's a double celebration.

  56. I'm hoping to go to Scarefest!

  57. We are having a Nightmare Before Christmas themed tea!

  58. Just the usual Trick or Treating with the kids.

  59. we stuck a werewolf glove through the letterbox (fixed from the inside) for all the trick or treaters visiting and stuck a growler inside it so when they pulled the glove it made a noise

  60. I plan on taking the kids to a halloween party. I think letting them lose on the neighbourhood might be a bit too much lol.

  61. I have put cling film over a door

  62. Dressing up, a few games and lovely food at my sons home for the children... no trick or treating out on the street

  63. Lots of dark eyeliner, mascara and blood (red) wine

  64. Might throw a halloween party for the kids - we had so much fun last time we did it.

  65. Spencer Broadley18/09/2016, 10:12

    Going to have a party with everybody dressing up - hopefully it will be OK weather to have a BBQ in the garden

  66. I don't play tricks on people

  67. we'll stay in and watch scary films

  68. Stay in watch scary films and dunk for apples and loads of sweeties and carve some pumpkins.with jids

  69. Stay in watch scary films and dunk for apples and loads of sweeties and carve some pumpkins.with jids

  70. we don't have any plans for halloween yet

  71. We're planning a night in with lots of halloween themed films, sweeties and fun!

  72. we have a little party for the kids and dress up and play games.

  73. We are having a small family party & the kids will knock at the neighbours for some trick or treating

  74. we are having a party - leanne w

  75. my mum throws a party every year, she gets loads of children(and adults) round just to see the decorations and play the games she puts on :) we go round with the children dressed up

  76. I usually do a party with games for all the kids. It was fab last year but really hard work, not sure if I can handle it again this year so may go out haha :-)

  77. As a child, I once gave a friend a radish and told them it was a strawberry

  78. It's my mums birthday so maybe a meal

  79. We are staying in a cabin in the woods - I'm sure it'll be fine, what's the worst that could happen?!

  80. I will probably just take our girls trick or treating, round our neighbourhood.

  81. We create a haunted trail in our yard for brave trick or treaters to walk through. This years theme will be a creepy circus.

  82. Love throwing a sweet party as it's also my patners birthday this year it's his 30th

  83. There's a big kids' party on at the local community hall but, based on the way my daughter screams at every halloween shop display, I guess we're not going... :)

  84. My partner likes to decorate the front window, and we hope for some ghosts and witches to come calling for treats. One year she was just leaving for the pub fancy dress party as some little girls turned up. They ran away screaming before she could give them sweeties, her skull latex prosthetic was too scary.

  85. Our main Halloween activity is going to the farm to pick a pumpkin then making it into the jack o lantern

  86. we haven't managed to plan any thing yet for it this year

  87. Maria Rogers27/09/2016, 19:37

    we always go to our friends converted chapel on halloween... spooky!!!!

  88. We will take them to friends houses for trick or treating this year

  89. We're having a quiet night in but we do have some treats in case anyone calls x

  90. This comment has been removed by the author.

  91. Im not really sure yet - maybe carve a pumpkin

  92. I'm taking the kid's trick or treating and having a Halloween party x

  93. It's my husbands birthday on Halloween so we combine the two and have a spooky birthday party. The best decoration we made was got a rubber glove and filled it with coloured water and froze. Then removed from the glove and put it in a punch bowl so it looks like a hand is coming out of the punch. It looks very effective.

  94. I have put cling film over the toilet bowl...... rather a sick and mess joke/trick

  95. We're going to visit family and have a small party �� my son would love this! Thx for the chance!

  96. Halloween party :) Kids love it!

  97. This year for Halloween we will be dressing up and handing out treats to the trick or treaters.

  98. I haven't thought about Halloween yet! I think the funniest trick I played on people (it was actually Halloween when I did it - trick or treat!!) was in my local pub, I put cling film over their pints when they were at the toilet, and they couldn't work out why the drink didn't come out for a few seconds!

  99. We will probably have a little party at ours @kleesical

  100. We always do the same thing. Spooky party tea, followed by Trick or Treating around the area and then back in time to open the door to lots of spooky visitors!

  101. Joanne Welsh05/10/2016, 03:01

    I'll be working

  102. we are off to Scarefest! @msedollyp

  103. I plan to get some pumpkins that we can carve the weekend before Halloween.

  104. halloween is my wedding anniversary and we always go aay to transylvania x

  105. My son's school has a Halloween and fireworks party that we'll be going to.

  106. The family will go out trick or treating and I shall stay home and provide callers with sweets and treats!

  107. Will take the kids trick or treating as they love getting dressed up

  108. A halloween party at the soft play for the kids ... and then a quite night in watching hocus pocus and eating sweet treats.

  109. Off to a hallowe'en party at a friends house.

  110. This year we are all dressing up, going for the Addams Family, I'm Morticia, my partner Glen is Gomez, my eldest is Wednesday, stepdaughter Grandmama and my youngest is going to be Cousin it as she has super long hair haha

  111. we are all dressing up, trick or treating an then having a family spooky meal

  112. Staying home and playing tricks on each other and playing board games

  113. For the first time we are having a family and friends Halloween party as most of the children do not want to go out trick 'n treating this year.

  114. The family always get together and we dress the house and children up and have a hallowe'en themed supper. The children then go trick or treating in my sister's cul de sac.

  115. I will be taken my daughter out to trick n treat, she did it the first time last year (age 5) and loved it.

  116. We're staying in this year, the big clown crazy has got the kids scared bless them! X

  117. We are going to a halloween party during half term and then on the day we will do crafts and watch a spooky kids film.

  118. Dressing the house up for all the callers on Halloween we always get loads

  119. Lynsey Buchanan13/10/2016, 20:51

    I will be taking my daughter treat or treating and we are also holding a children's Halloween party.

  120. Halloween party as it's my daughter's fiance's birthday

  121. My son is too shy to knock on people's doors. Instead we decorate the house and garden with spooky cobwebs and he answers the door to trick or treaters dressed up as a werewolf.

  122. Kirsty Sparks14/10/2016, 09:38

    I'll be working on halloween :)

  123. we will be trick or treating on our street, it is always a fun night :)

  124. Going to a couple of Halloween parties.

  125. We haven't made plans yet - it'll probably involve dressing up and eating Halloween cakes and sweets!

  126. We like to go trick or treating.

  127. Take the kids out trick or treating

  128. We sent a boy to the optician with a urine specimen

  129. Getting dressed in costumes and going with friends trick or treating

  130. We'll be watching a spooky DVD and eating pizzas and halloween chocs :D

  131. We are going trick or treat with my daughters :)

  132. as chair of the PTA I will be running a disco for the whole school!

  133. We're going to have a Halloween themed tea party then go Trick or Treating at a few (friendly) neighbours' houses

  134. Trick or treating and then watching hocus pocus.

  135. My birthday is in the beginning of November, so we are having a joint birthday Halloween party.

  136. a. It of trick or treating here no party just a few snacks

  137. we are going to a party for halloween :)

  138. We are going to Gullivers Theme park to do there trick or treat

  139. We are visiting my Brother's house for a big family Halloween party,all fancy dress of course!!

  140. This Halloween we are having our very first Halloween Party on the Saturday before Halloween. It's for family and friends, young and old, and I can't wait to start decorating the house and making, baking and cooking lots of Halloween foods!

  141. We always dress up and go trick or treating, generally with friends .x

  142. We're going to a party for the kids at the local social club. My little ones are dressing up as a spider witch & a skeleton xx

  143. Always answer door at Halloween is a Scream mask & black cape.

  144. our local pub puts on a party in the afternoon for all the kids so we go along to that

  145. We are going to Chester for my eldest daughters Graduation ceremony. As a Pagan Samhain or Halloween is a major celebration for us so I shall give thanks to our ancestors. xxx

  146. Im taking the kids to their Halloween school disco thats ir

  147. We always have a halloween party with lots of fun games

  148. we will be going round the estate to the houses that decorate up specially for the day]

  149. we a re going to a friends halloween party

  150. To go Trick or Treating with friends children

  151. we are going to a spooky pub party in Paignton

  152. im taking the kids and my grandson around the neighbors house trick or treating

  153. We will carve a pumpkin and watch nightmare before christmas

  154. we are having a halloween party :)

  155. we're staying in and having a family scary movie night

  156. I will be hosting a party in the library then giving out sweets at home.

  157. We'll be trick or treating and giving lots of sweets to the children (and adults!) who dress up and trick or treat at our house! I also carve pumpkins. It's so much fun!

  158. We will be having a little party at home!

  159. trick or treating with my 6 year old son

  160. Rebecca Whale15/10/2016, 20:23

    We are going to our friends for a party with the kids

  161. trick or treat and big kids party

  162. Staying in with lots of sweets and some not so scary halloween movies and of course carving our pumpkins xx

  163. I will be going trick or treating with My daughter


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