Family | Life | Food | Travel

19 December 2017

What Would You Do If You Won The Lottery?

With Christmas only days away now a lottery win would certainly help to cover the cost of any additional gifts and all of the food I'm yet to purchase for a huge feast, especially as I'm the host this December. I'm sure that's the same for most other families too at an expensive and hectic time of year. It would also be incredible to never need to schedule work in around the family or think about returning to my desk in January - I'd be off to Lapland to spend time in a beautiful log cabin surrounded by snow, enjoying husky sleigh rides and meeting Santa with the reindeer instead of staying at home! Imagine hitting the sales with a wallet full of cash too in January and treating yourself to a new wardrobe of designer clothes.

Lottoz has now launched in the UK so your dreams of being a millionaire may be closer than you think. Did you know that you can purchase tickets for the biggest jackpots for lotteries from around the globe, all from the comfort of your own home? That's right, you can actually have the opportunity to win some serious amounts of money with minimal effort thanks to Lottoz - the online lottery platform. They asked what we would do with a big win so I passed this question to my partner and the Mini Mes to find out what they would splurge on...

"I'd get a huge house with an indoor games room and then buy a Mustang." - Moomin (13)

"I would buy a really nice yacht." - The Boyfriend

"I'd buy EVERYTHING. Like a big house with a pool" - Jambo (11)

For me personally, travelling the world would be a priority. I've always enjoyed the trips I've had, whether it's a simple weekend spa break or several weeks abroad in the sunshine. I do love to explore, find new places, learn different languages, try exciting activities and discover new cuisines. I think the lessons learned and memories gained are far more valuable than any object you can physically purchase. I'd like to visit the Northern Lights and sleep in an igloo beneath the stars, try sea cave kayaking in Thailand and enjoy the beaches in Bora Bora as my priority - the material items would follow later on... including what the family suggested.

What would you spend a Lottery win on?

Image Map

*Collaborative Post*


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