Family | Life | Food | Travel

11 July 2012

The Gallery

This weeks theme for the gallery is Food! I had a think about food and as we love cooking and baking, eating and sharing food with family and friends I realised that food infact makes me happy. I thought I would share a few food related pictures that bring back happy memories.

My first attempt at a giant cupcake!

The mess kids make learning to eat

Fun with food

You can view more snaps or add your own by clicking the badge below



  1. That cake is gorgeous :) For a first attempt too- very impressive! Lovely post xx

  2. Great photos. That cake is fab x

  3. The giant cup cake looks fab!x

  4. Was a giant cupcake hard to bake? Love the blue tongue one!

    1. It wasn't as hard as I expected! It took longer to cook than the instructions said but it turned out well :) x

  5. I'm so impressed with the cupcake...mine still come out looking a shambles (and I've made about five now!).

  6. That's a fabulous cake! Wonderful icing.

  7. Great photos! Love them all, that cake is awesome & great to see the kids having so much fun with their food!

  8. That giant cupcake looks great! I am a bit like that with food too x


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