Monday Me is all about child free time. Whether that's a charity sky dive, spa day, shopping trip, watching a movie - anything you have enjoyed without the kids clinging on to your ankles!
Joining in can actually help you to make time for yourself even if it's just reading a new book or taking a soak in the tub with a face mask - it's the little moments that can really make such a difference to how you are feeling.
My Monday Me
The Mini Mes didn't want to go to their dads home on Wednesday as planned, I think they were too tired from our day trip the day previous, so my usual child free evening didn't go ahead! However, every mum needs the odd break so I still tried to squish in a few tiny relaxing moments.
Friday evening when the kids were snoring away I had a long soak in the bath. I tend to have showers but laying in warm water is almost theraputic at times. I sneaked in a boost duo (nomnom), the kindle and some lovely new Zingy Berry shower gel to squirt on my pink scrunchie.
It smells delicious, I'm quite into fruity smelling products and this was lovely.
The Mini Mes didn't want to go to their dads home on Wednesday as planned, I think they were too tired from our day trip the day previous, so my usual child free evening didn't go ahead! However, every mum needs the odd break so I still tried to squish in a few tiny relaxing moments.
Friday evening when the kids were snoring away I had a long soak in the bath. I tend to have showers but laying in warm water is almost theraputic at times. I sneaked in a boost duo (nomnom), the kindle and some lovely new Zingy Berry shower gel to squirt on my pink scrunchie.
It smells delicious, I'm quite into fruity smelling products and this was lovely.
I've also got a new hair dye to try when a get another spare minute. Mocha Brown is the shade.
What have you done for you this week?
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