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18 October 2012

Reasons to be happy

You're not from round here

My reasons to be happy

Minxy did some fundraising earlier this year, she loves animals and helping others, and managed to raise £184 for the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust. Her favourite magazine Animals and You will be featuring her story again in a round up so both her and I are really pleased she is getting recognition for her hard work - she read 50 books in 50 days! She is now fundraising for Barnardos too with their Care and Share challenge.

Another proud moment for Minxy this week as she got her second badge at brownies. It relates to the first post a little too as it's her Booklover award. She had a trip and tour around the local library yesterday and had to search for specific things. I'm pleased that she is making new friends there and always comes home smiling.

We had a Greek night at the weekend and it was fantastic! My parents were the hosts and my siblings and partners all went along too. I cooked a tomato and feta dish and made Baklava too which was loved by all. We also played poker til around 3.30am which I won having not played in years. It's lovely getting all the family together. We had such fun playing games getting merry and eating lovely food.

My first attempt at Baklava

Weight loss is slow yet steady but that's what wins the race, right?! Hoping to lose a stone by Christmas and it seems possible.

What reasons to you have to be cheerful this week?

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart



  1. Yum you're Baklava look Delicious...

  2. you must be so proud, well done to your daughter, Baklava looks yummy too xx

  3. Lovely reasons!! You must be so proud. And I have no idea what baclava is, haha x

  4. Wonderful reasons to be cheerful! Well done to your daughter, you sound so proud of her, hehe. x

  5. Ohh lovley, well done on the weight loss, yes slow and steady is good. Mich x

  6. I am so impressed that your daughter read 50 books in 50 days: despite doing everything you're supposed to I haven't managed to instill a love of books in my kids x

  7. She sounds like a wonderful daughter and 50 books in 50 days is a great achievement. Good luck with the weight loss. I would be thrilled with a bit of slow and steady...instead of just stuck LOL ;)

  8. Well done to your daughter! Bright and thoughtful a great combo. Time with family and friends is the best. A stone by Xmas easy ;-)

  9. That is one great girl!


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