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25 October 2012

Reasons to be happy

You're not from round here

My reasons to be happy

Despite another week of illness and two days off school for the Mini Mes, I have lots of reasons to be cheerful!

On Monday I was contacted by the lovely Tara from over at Sticky Fingers to let me know that I had won a competition on her blog. The competition was based on photography and part of the Gallery link up with the theme Fitness and my entry was selected to win the first prize.... £200 of Sweaty Betty vouchers, £50 of high street vouchers, some fitness books and 2 crates of drinks from Coca Cola - WOW!! I was thrilled and I can't wait to receive my goodies. You can view my winning entry here.

It was fantastic to attend parents evening last Thursday night and to hear about how well the Mini Mes are getting on. Both are achieving above expectations for their age and progressing well.
Proud mummy moment!

My next reason to smile is my Mr. He is such an awesome man and although I feel he knows that he is appreciated and loved dearly it's nice to pop it down on paper (or here) from time to time. He truly is fantastic for taking on the Mini Mes and me (not that I'm hard work or demanding *cough*) over the past 3 and a half years and treating them as if there were his own. He never moans and he doesn't even suffer from man flu! He is my rock and I would love to spend my life with him.

What reasons to you have to be cheerful this week?

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart


  1. well done on winning the competition,what fab prizes.
    Really great reasons to be cheerful xx

  2. congrats on winning comp xxx so nice when you have a fab man who is supportive xxxx

  3. Ooh, congratulations. What a great week.

  4. Huge and lovely prize. Congratulations.
    Parents' evenings where you get good reports are always great.

  5. What an amazing prize :)
    Lovely reasons to be cheerful. x

  6. Well done you jammy dodger you! lol.. Grr I think everyone has come down with this bug this past month.. Awwww you and Nick certainly do have a relationship to make other people envious! So nice you found each other xxx

  7. Hang onto such a lovely man! You and the mini-mes are obviously very lucky to have found him x Well done on the competition as well x

  8. Well done on winning. :) Lovely reasons. :)

  9. Congratulations! And always good when kids do you proud

  10. Congrats on your win, what a fab R2BC! x

  11. Ohh massive well done on your prize win. Mich x


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