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12 October 2012

Touch, Look, Check

October marks Breast Cancer Awareness Month and with most women (98%) being unable to identify 5 signs of breast cancer, now is the time to raise awareness and encourage women to give their boobs some TLC (Touch, Look, Check).

Breakthrough Breast Cancer has released a handy guide which you can request via text or their website so that wherever you are can identify the symptoms and signs when checking your breasts. You can also request a reminder email on their website so you don't forget to check and download the free iBreastCheck app for iPhones!

My story
I check my breasts every few weeks for changes and towards the end of 2010 I found a lump in my left breast. That scary moment in the shower will always be remembered but not down to a feeling of fear but due to my inner strength. I didn't panic and instead I decided to seek advice. Rather than worrying about it being something serious I booked an appointment with my GP to find out if it really was something serious.

I was examined and referred to the hospital. The GP assumed it was just a cyst but until I knew for sure there was no way my mind would be at rest. At the hospital they examined me again, I had a scan and then a biopsy under local anesthetic.  It wasn't painful (I was rather scared beforehand about the procedure) and when they revealed a few days later that everything was fine I was thankful, I also felt proud of myself for taking that step to get checked out.

What are the signs?

Lumps - They may not be visible but you may be able to feel one.

Change in skin texture - look for dimpling and puckering

Discharge from the nipple

Crusting or a rash

Changes in the nipple direction or appearance

How many of these did you know? If you experience any of these you should visit your GP as soon as possible. Don't put it off, it could save your life!

A video on checking your breasts...

Finding breast cancer early could save your life. Know the signs, text TLC to 84424* for your free handy TLC guide from Breakthrough Breast Cancer, or register at
*Standard networks apply


  1. I went through a similar situation 2 years ago. I went through the same procedure and everything was fine but I have to go for regular scans. It's so important to check and be aware. Great post Hun :)

    1. I think a lot of women are fearful of what may happen after finding a sign. Usually it's nothing serious but it's vital to be checked.

      Thank you :)

  2. Thanks for promoting this potentially life-saving message.

    1. It's a subject close to home too so anything that helps raise awareness is worth a shot x

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