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19 November 2012

Meal Planning Monday

Week 1 of Jenny Craig down and I'm 4lb lighter!! I also seem to have a lot more energy and feel a lot happier which could be a combination of losing weight and eating better. I have never dieted and eaten so much, it's great. I have no urge to eat junk at the moment as my meals are filling - I'm looking forward to week two already and I'm picturing my work party outfit.

At the weekend we baked this delicious Sticky Syrup Sponge pudding which went down a treat!

This week on the menu for the Mr and the Mini Mes is...

Spaghetti bolognese
Sweet and sour stir fry
Tuna pasta bake
Toad in the hole

What's on your menu?

I'm linking this over with At Home With Mrs M.



  1. Mmmm yummy pudding :-) Well done on your 4lbs lighter, very good. We are copying each other on two meals this week :-)

  2. I may have just licked the screen - that pudding looks gorgeous!

  3. WELL DONE! You are fab, that is great weight loss and I am glad it is going so well. That pudding looks amazing! x

  4. I am having a salmon week ;) And I agree, the pudding looks delicious!


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