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17 January 2013

Reasons to be happy

You're not from round here

Despite a possible broken nose for the Mr and a stolen wallet life is reasonably good at the moment...

My reasons to be happy

It was Jamster's turn to win something this week and he had a delivery of a Skylander, Eruptor. He is quite obsessed with them so he was very happy -  this makes the 16th in his collection!

Minxy has always been great at English and spelling and Jamster has suddenly become the same. He has recently come out with words that I didn't even realise he knew and he is trying really hard to improve his handwriting. I'm so proud of them both.

I had a 3lb weight loss this week which has motivated me even more so.
I feel a lot happier about myself this year already in comparison to last year and I want to keep it that way.

What reasons to you have to be cheerful this week?

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart


  1. Sounds as if everything is going really well. Congratulations on losing 3lb.

  2. Brilliant! I always try and finish my day by thinking of the tiniest thing that made me happy. Well done on the weight loss :) xx

  3. I am about to enter the sky lander obsession in this house! I think it may take over from what I've read *gulp* xx

  4. well done to your son for winning the competition, sounds like you are doing amazing with your weight loss..have a lovely weekend xx

  5. Sounds like a good week. I have made a pact with myself not to buy any chocolate in an attempt to lose weight.

  6. What fabulous reasons to be cheerful:) My son is also rather obsessed with Skylanders but 16?! He only has 3 right now!

  7. WTG on the weight loss. Glad you had a good week! x

  8. Thanks for all the lovely comments :) x

  9. well done on the weight loss...have a wonderful weekend x

  10. Not into skylanders here yet! Well done on 3lb

  11. Lovely upbeat post despite obviously having bad stuff this week too. Well done on looking on the bright side.

  12. love these! It's been a bit of a week for me, but I am happy because my loves are out playing in the snow and giggling and i have the loveliest family in the world - definitely a reason to be cheerful.


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