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13 March 2013

Country Kids

One benefit of playing outside while it's cold or wet is that you often have the entire place to yourself and that was just the case yesterday.

After school we visited the Country Park and had an hour playing on the exercise equipment, climbing frames and chasing each other around before dinner, me being the troll or Gruffalo as usual! It was rather chilly but as we wrapped up well it and it wasn't long until we all felt warm anyway.

Calorie count


Have you had some outdoor family fun this week?

I'm linking this with...

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall
The theme this week is the letter C
(Country Park, cold, chasing, climbing, cardio, calorie count)



  1. Great photos. Looks like they are enjoying keeping fit and having lots of fun.

  2. Great pics - Z loves climbing everything now including the slide!

  3. Lovely, looks like lots of fun! :)

  4. They look like they are having a blast :-)

  5. That's a lot of C... great snaps!

  6. Great pictures. That equipment looks amazing!

  7. Lovely collages! I hope it warns up soon! x

  8. Some fantastic pictures, looks like they were having great fun!

  9. Brilliant photos, great to see some outdoors photos in spite of the weather at the moment

  10. What great apparatus at the park, they all looked like they had a great time burning those calories (not that they need to!). Thanks for linking to Country Kids.

  11. Wrapping up warm is definitely key! We love having the park to ourselves....the wee man kind of likes the quiet. Those exercise equipment are fab though my wee man is a bit small for them just yet! Great photos with lots of smiles!

  12. What a great fun park that looks like.

    Glad you had fun

  13. It's a whole gym park, I'd be down there after all the kids go home for a workout!

  14. your children are really enjoying themselves arent they? looks like they are good climbers x

  15. Great post, mine enjoy the adult's exercise equipment more than the children's playground? Xx


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