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05 March 2013

The funny things kids say... school run conversations

The Mini Mes' school is only a few minutes walk away, we can actually see it from the front garden, so we don't really get any in-depth conversations on the way. We do however have a chance for a brief natter before we approach the gates and head inside and I love the random things that the Mini Mes come out with on the way...
Minxy: Can we sell Jamster?
Me: Sell him?
Minxy: Yea, he is just so irritating. Otherwise I need a sister so we can team up and defeat him.
Jamster: Oi!
Minxy: We are all quite strange at bed time aren't we mum.
Me: How is that?
Minxy: Well I talk in my sleep, Jamster dribbles, Nick snores and you fart.
Me: ..... errr

Have you had any interesting conversations this week?
Wot So Funee?


  1. hahah I love the tidbits of funny stuff the kids coe out with!

  2. Hahaha! Well as long as Minxy only said it to you then your secret is safe! ;) x

  3. Haha sell the brother and get a sister instead...I wonder how long would she endure having another girl around! :)

  4. Nice one! What a lovely family you are! ;)

  5. Haha!! Are the kids spying on you whilst you sleep?


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