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27 July 2013

Saturday Caption

No shopping trip is complete without two baskets and the ones with extendable handles are an even better way for the Mini Mes to bash into peoples ankles!

Have you got a caption for this Pets At Home picture!?
I would love to hear it!
Have a great weekend

Mammasaurus - Saturday is Caption Day!


  1. I wonder if I can stash her in this freezer? That will teach her for being so annoying

  2. She says - if you even try it I will crown you with this metal bowl!

  3. The mini mes were considering extreme measures to deal with the heat wave.

  4. Mommy wouldn't buy us a swimming pool, but these dog bowls will make nice ankle soakers...

  5. Which came first the bowl or the food?

  6. He was considering whether there would be enough room in the freezer for his sister and his mum so he could go off and buy a new pet!

  7. I wonder if she would notice if I swapped her food with this stuff...?


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