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23 September 2013

Useful Tips and Ideas in Decorating Your Living Room

A living room sets the tone for the entire house. Not only is it the gateway to your house, it is also the place where you spend a lot of quality time with your friends and family. Now, if you are going to spend some of your best moments in your living room, it's only fair that you go the extra mile while decorating it. 

Tips for decorating your living room: 

1. Pick a theme - Before you even start decorating, you need to pick a general design theme. Do you want your living room to look classy or edgy? Do you want to go over the top or be minimalistic? Is there a specific colour scheme you are looking at? Take a moment to ponder over these questions and zero in on a broad theme. 

2. Buy furniture accordingly - Truth be told, picking a theme is the easy part. Once you are through with that, you have to start buying the complementary decoration for your living room. It's always a good idea to start with furniture - buy a couch, a coffee table, a chest of drawers, a rug, a few table lamps etc. Make sure that they complement each other, both in terms of style and size. 

3. Choose curtains and tapestry fabric - This is where you get to have some fun with patterns and colours. For instance, if you have opted for a more edgy feel, look for curtains with modern prints. Mix these up with block coloured tapestry in lively shades like mint green or sea blue. Alternatively, if you want a classic, country style living room, choose heavy curtains in shades of maroon or royal purple with ornate designs. 

4. Maintain a balance - More often than not, people tend to go overboard while decorating their living rooms. It's alright to hang a few poster or photographs, get eccentric pieces like well-designed table lamps, but only if they blend in with the rest of the decor. Before you buy anything, ask yourself if the room will look better with or without it. Too many things will create chaos in terms of design.

What decorating tips do you have?

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  1. Thanks for sharing such a nice ideas to decorate dream home. Theme based decoration is always good and gives a trendy look to your living home.

  2. Fab tips Emma, thanks for sharing!
    Vikki xxx
    Love From Mummy

  3. I dont have any tips! I reeeeeeally need to decorate our house tho! x

  4. Great tips!! I am not a big decorator so these tips are very handy x

  5. Great tips! I've got such a lot needs doing in our house at the moment but time and money are not really on my side for now!


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