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05 November 2013

Guy Fawkes and X-Ray Glasses

We had planned to go to the local bonfire and fireworks display at the weekend but as the weather was horrendous we decided to stay at home in the warm instead. We started discussing where bonfire night originated from when Minxy piped up...

"It was just that bloke with gun powder"

That sums it up then!


On the odd occasion when I may need a quick hand with something I'll ask the Mini Mes for assistance - It's only usually something small like some washing being taken upstairs, or a fresh tea towel being fetched.
I had a few Halloween items I wanted putting on the landing ready to go back into the attic so I called out to the kids who were watching a movie.

Me: Can someone do me a favour please?
Minxy: Are you going to pay me?

If only I was paid for every chore I did!


Minxy and Jamster are big fans of secret agent and spy films (especially Johnny English) so they can often be found wearing hoodies and wandering around with badges and walkie talkies in hand!
Minxy appeared in the lounge the other morning with sun glasses on...

Me: Those aren't X-Ray glasses are they? *pretend to cover myself*
Minxy: Ewwww no, that would just be nasty to see you in your bra!

Not everyone would agree I'll have you know!


I'm always summoned when busy, I swear they wait until I'm sat relaxing or in the middle of cooking before making a request, isn't that always the way? While slicing chicken for dinner Minxy approached me...

Minxy: Can I have a hug?
Me: In just a sec Minxy, I'll finish doing this and then I'll be with you. Have a hug with Jamster for a min.
Minxy: I would rather lick a toilet!

Aww sibling love.


Have you had any funny conversations this week?

I'm linking this with...

Wot So Funee? Post Comment Love



  1. These made me smile! Love the, 'I'd rather lick a toilet' one. :) x

  2. Made me smile too. Thanks :)

  3. The 'lick the toilet one' made me chuckle - sounds like my boys :) #wotsofunee

  4. I am speechless! Mine is only 2, so have all that to look forward to. #wotsofunee

  5. Oh lord I think yours are older than mine and this is what I've got waiting for me round the corner! I think I might develop early-onset deafness!


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