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01 December 2013

Elf on the Shelf... He's back

The Mini Mes' faces lit up with delight this morning as they discovered their little elf friend, Peppy Tum Tums, had returned.

With his poem and passport nearby, a cute elf door complete with key and magic dust PLUS 2 advent calendars it was quite an entrance!

The idea of an elf visiting during the build up to Christmas is to encourage good behaviour. The elf is a little bit cheeky so the Mini Mes will show him how he should behave, but he also brings gifts to keep them busy throughout December too.

I'll be posting daily updates of the mischief he gets up to during his visit.

If you have an elf for December feel free to link up your posts below!



  1. My daughter, last night, said she didn't believe in elves. She wrote a letter to one and got a sweet little note back. How's that!
    Good idea of yours - to encourage good behaviour.

  2. :-) I reckon you can carry on with this even when they stop believing - its a lot of fun x


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