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04 March 2014

Spring Bird Cake Pops - Cooking with Kids

With the Daffodils and sunshine making an appearance more regularly we decided to make some Spring Bird Cake Pops.

These were inspired by an Easter recipe I discovered on Baking Mad, although ours look a bit more like a cross between owls and chicks, so we just settled with a bird theme in general!

The Mini Mes enjoyed making them and they taste delicious so that's all that really matters, right?!


Basic sponge  (try my recipe here)
Frosting (We used Cake Angels)
Renshaw Yellow Melts
Renshaw Sprinkles
Other sprinkle decorations 


  • Bake a basic sponge cake, allow to cool and then use a fork to crumble it up into tiny pieces.
  • Mix in the frosting (we used approx 200g).
  • Form 15 identical balls and place on a plate/tray
  • Melt 5 of the Renshaw Melts as instructed, dip the end of a stick into the melted Melts, push one stick into the centre of each cake pop ball.
  • Allow to chill in the fridge for around 90 minutes until set.
  • Put 15 Melts to one side (to use as wings) then melt the remaining Melts as instructed.
  • Dip each cake pop into the mixture until fully covered, hold above the tub for the excess to drip off and decorate. (They set quickly so try to be fast if possible when decorating).
  • We used a chocolate sprinkle cut in half as the eyes, an orange sprinkle as the beak, half of a Melt for each wing and flower sprinkles as feet.
  • Use a piece of polystyrene to display the cake pops
  • Scoff!

Have you been cooking with kids this week?

*We were sent some Renshaw products for the purpose of this post. The recipe is our own*



  1. Now I know what it is, that is super cute. However, from the thumbnail I thought it was that green Jedi thing from Star Wars LOL. Sorry, that's probably really rude.
    I may give these a try though, they sound easy enough for both Scarlett and I to give a bash x

    1. Heheh a little Yoda cake pop! I guess when you let the kids take control things don't always look as nice as you had hoped but I have to learn to let them take over the kitchen at times... grudgingly ;) x

  2. I love these! They look great and lots of fun for children to make. I have been wondering for a while how you make cake pops, now I might give them a go :)

  3. Love these. I'll definitely be making cake pops when Potato is old enough

  4. :-) Cake pops are hard! I really should let the kids have a go at making some x

  5. Lucas says - ooooh these look well yummy. Great job. We're so proud of the GL Gang members for their creativity.
    Thanks for linking to #minicreations

  6. My kids love Cake Pops but I have never really tried making them. This has just inspired me so I will add it to our things to do next week!

  7. These look great and something my twin boys and I could make for this Easter thanks



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