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23 July 2014

When Pets Become Family

I was never really keen on dogs, or pets in general, until we got Spartan. I was always worried the house would smell, that there would be piles of fur like tumbleweed and little puddles of drool awaiting my fresh bare feet, but that's far from the case. Most of the time. 

The Mr was raised with dogs. Not literally like Jacob in Twilight but with plenty of the four legged friends running around in his home, so to him it was natural to have his own when he moved in with me. I had my worries but love really does make you do crazy things and we ended up purchasing our ball of fluff on New Years Day 2012. It was hard work to begin and there were puddles of a different kind to mop up but our new companion made the Mr, the Mini Mes and even me happy so it was definitely worth it. 
It also stopped me being broody for a while which was a bonus!

He is now obedient and well trained.
Always ready to pounce like a bodyguard and...

oh no, he just loves sleep, food and walkies.

He is definitely family!

Have you got any pets?

The theme this week is Animals



  1. Oh my you just have to say Ahhhh to this, that is the perfect picture of contentment.

  2. Ahhh - we have guinea pigs but they aren't as cuddly as that!

  3. What a cutie! Not a dog person myself, we have fish, not quite the same ;-) xxx

  4. What a total cutie pie, we have a Spaniel and he is like my third baby. He is totally pampered and very much one of the family. I once read somewhere that you should always talk to your dogs as you are the only entertainment that they have.....It is something that has stuck with me.

  5. Oh he looks so cute! Yes we have two little dogs (Portuguese Podengos!) x

  6. Oh what a gorgeous pooch! We have two cats now, though I had always considered myself a dog person previous to having them :-)
    Love Vicky
    Around and Upside Down

  7. Very sweet! I've always been quite against the idea of pets, but I can see they are an important part of a family, so we're taking the plunge and getting guinea pigs! Who knows if we will stop there or move onto something bigger?

  8. Aw, he's gorgeous. I love it when they just chill out like that.

  9. Gorgeous boy! We love our pets. When 2 of them had to be put to sleep last year, it really was like losing a close family member. They just become one of the pack.

  10. I am scared of dogs but yours does look lovely x

  11. Oh he's so cute! I find my cats so frustrating at times but I still can't help but love them.

  12. Gorgeous dog. Both my husband and I grew up with pets around us and it seems natural that our children experience the same. We have two cats that both have special needs (Dave is deaf and Bella has a bad paw so can't walk properly) so they're enough for us right now. We would love a dog though.

  13. Aww what a lovely dog and they do become part of the family x

  14. We dont have pets here in the UK but we do have lots of animals in the Philippines and I miss them dearly. And yet at some point they are no longer pets but family =) #TheGallery

  15. what a cutie xx I have a cat myself

  16. They can be hard work sometimes but in the end of the day it is all worth it.
    I can't imagine home without pets.

  17. Very cute :) I wasn't allowed a dog when I was growing up but now a house doesn't feel like a home without one...definitely family :)


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