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14 April 2015

Potty Training with Dry Like Me (PLUS Your Chance To Win)

Potty training is quite a big milestone for children, and even parents, to reach. It's a time when you can ditch the nappies, saving quite a few pennies in the process, but you can expect a few tears and tantrums along the way too. Therefore, anything that helps to make the transition that little bit easier is definitely appreciated by mums and dads alike!

Dry Like Me, the award-winning potty training pads worn in children’s own pants, were created by mums Jude and Di when they couldn’t find anything that helped to move their potty training children away from nappies and into underwear. They commissioned independent research, which showed the pads reduced accidents after only one week, and Dry Like Me are now sold by most supermarkets and online.

One size fits all ages of children, and there are three types to choose from: ‘Early Days’ for the start of potty training, ‘Original’ for the middle to end stages and ‘Night-Time’ to help children get dry at night. They are designed to be soft and comfortable, which they appear to be, and they are recommended by health professionals.  

To celebrate the release of the first Dry Like Me advertisement called ‘Miss Smarty Pants’, on Disney Junior, Nick JR, Boomerang, Cartoonito and Tiny Pop we have some Potty Training Packs to give away. Each ‘Smart Way to Potty Train’ pack contains four boxes of Dry Like Me pads, a ‘How to Potty Train’ book (written by Jude and Di) and a sticker reward chart, which is worth £24.

For more information on Dry Like Me potty training pads, as well as lots of tips and advice go to or

For your chance to win 1 of 4 Dry Like Me Potty Training Packs you can enter via the Gleam entry form below.
The giveaway ends at 11.59pm GMT on 18th May 2015.
Leaving a comment is mandatory but there are additional entry methods available also.

Good luck!

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  1. The advertisement is great. Starting my daughter potty training hope it goes smoothly.

  2. To try and get your child to sit still on potty let them play an interesting game on a tablet or read books. They get bored sitting still

  3. Maria Rogers14/04/2015, 09:07

    i used a reward system with my kids and over the top praise when they left a deposit!

  4. Dont take things seriously stay calm and make it enjoyable

  5. Don't make a fuss of the accidents but plenty of praise when they do use the potty correctly

  6. Patience and praise, and by the way loved the advert

  7. don't compare your child with other children - they are ready when they are ready - don't put pressure on yourself to start too soon

  8. don't force it they will show you when they are ready x

  9. have patience it will take time, try not to get too angry about accidents and reward them when they have done well with using potty or toilet

  10. Start by putting them on the potty every time you go to the toilet! Helps them understand what it's for!

  11. Don't stress, accidents will happen, but they'll get there in their own time. Also, don't take notice of other parents bragging about their little ones, it's not a competition!

  12. Try potty training outside if the weather is good.

  13. I thought the advert was a fun way to advertise Dry Like Me. It also shows how its hard to get little ones to focus when the time come to train them.

  14. Caroline Walliss - Don't force them and don't get angry with them.

  15. buy some long socks to keep their legs warm during colder months so they can still go bare-bum.

  16. Don't rush them, every child is different and some may not be ready as soon as others.

  17. Keep a change of clothes with you at all times once you start!

  18. take it very slowly, it will all fall into place.........eventually!

  19. Don't try and force your LO, wait until they are really ready and take your time .

  20. Take your time and don't rush - your child will let you know when they are ready to start.

  21. Never get angry if they don't manage it as quickly as you'd hoped, or if they go backwards, they'll get there in their own time.

  22. Advert was funny. Patience is my top tip!

  23. Be prepared for some setbacks, and always be ready to take a deep breath and let the stress out that way instead of getting mad at your child.

  24. Oooh I am about to review these ! #projectpottytraining ;)x

  25. I think patience is the key, and lots of encouragement!

  26. Make it fun and it will get done!

  27. Lots of praise whenever they go successfully on the potty!

  28. only start to potty train when your child is ready do not rush things and be patient

  29. dont tell them off ever if they have an accident

  30. patience, patience, and more patience!

  31. Elizabeth Hinds19/04/2015, 19:28

    Follow their lead - it's not a competition and they will do it when they're good and ready :-)

  32. It takes time but it will happen.

  33. Wait until they are completely ready :)

  34. let them do it at their own pace

  35. It's not a competition, children will do it at their own pace and when they are ready. :)

  36. Wait until they are ready xx

  37. I think the advert is so cute! Really got me interested in Dry Like Me and have been reading their website lots over the last couple of days.

  38. Cute advert and gets the info across. I have a 21 month old so haven't started training yet.

  39. Patience, encouragement and rewards.

  40. When beginning potty training, we set the timer on my phone to go off every 45 mins so we'd 'remember' to go to the loo. Everytime he'd go, there'd be big praise

  41. tip: use a sticker reward system

  42. I used a sticker reward chart.

  43. I don't remember it all very clearly, but when she was ready, it was pretty easy. Just be sure to have a change of clothes just in case when you go out.

  44. Stickers. chocolate buttons and lots of praise help us! :)

  45. my tip would be to put girls in wellies - apparently they don't like wet feet! i haven't tried this trick yet tho!

  46. Use a doll to show them on the potty and sit on the toilet yourself to show them it's ok, use a reward chart and try and make it a fun happy time with lots of encouragement!

  47. Don't try to start before they're ready as it'll be more difficult and take longer. Once they're ready it will happen a lot more quickly and easily.

  48. patience is key and rewards are always welcome by the little ones

  49. Let your child lead, when they are ready it will be a lot easier

  50. Dont take things too seriously - leanne w

  51. Don't start until they're ready - you'll both get stressed about it

  52. Always stay calm

    Kay Panayi

  53. Patience and lots of spare pants

  54. Making a big deal about small steps of progress is key

  55. Really like the advert and these tips are really useful as we'll be starting potty training with my son very shortly.

  56. I loved the advert. The kids were entertaining!
    My tip is lots of spare clothes and folded towels to sit on in carseats/shopping trolleys etc

  57. Don't rush, they'll do it when their good and ready

  58. Take your time, and try to be very patient. They all have their own time frames for being ready.

  59. I'm just about to start potty training my little girl so reading these tips keenly - Dry Like Me looks great.

  60. Always keep the potty available, but don't push it, let the child go at their pace

  61. Best potty training tip I have is be persistent, but patient. Lots of positive comments either way. Make lots of fuss when they go on the potty, make none when they have an accident and remain positive. Let them know that's all part of the learning process :)

  62. Lots and lots of praise when they manage to go in the potty! My daughter responds so well to praise!

  63. I haven't got any tips because we haven't started yet, but love the ad!!


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