The Mini Mes have always had a large collection of books and although they have recently given a lot of their stories to younger relatives, friends and charities to enjoy, they still have their all time favourites tucked away and a selection of new reads ready to delve into.
Jamster is really into Tom Gates at the moment whereas Minxy is working her way through the Dork Diaries. I think having reading as part of their bedtime routine ever since they were babies has really helped as they often pick up a paperback without being prompted. Something which I love to see.
The Mini Mes in 2008 |
If you're looking for a book related family day out then Britain is packed full of literary connections. The book worms at holiday company have created a map of the best places to visit to immerse yourself in the worlds of your child’s favourite authors and stories.
If you’ve always wanted to explore the places that inspired your favourite authors why not use this handy guide to plan your next outing?
If you prefer staying a little closer to home then these book related activities may be just the thing for you to try:
We're Going on a Bear Hunt
Take a trip to your local woodland or park with some teddies and enjoy the various terrain or alternatively hide some bears in your garden for the kids to search for. If the weather isn't on your side then opt for an indoor picnic instead with your soft toys as company.
What the Ladybird Heard
Dress up as your favourite farmyard animals or make your very own ladybird costume like we did recently for World Book Day. You could also have a game of Chinese whispers where everyone sits in a circle and takes it in turns to say something quietly to the person next to them. See if the original phrase makes it back round to the end or if the words have been misconstrued along the way. It's likely there will be lots of giggles!
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
It's fairly easy to create themed bento style lunches and by cutting out a few holes into different foods it will look as though a caterpillar has been having a sneaky nibble! You could also try a food tasting taste which helps to encourage little ones to try new and exciting foods. Use a blindfold and see if they can identify the foods that they are fed.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
If you have a sweet tooth then a day at Cadbury World might satisfy your needs but if an afternoon in the kitchen is preferred you could try baking your own triple chocolate brownies or making some truffles. My Mars Bar Cheesecake is always popular too.
If you have a sweet tooth then a day at Cadbury World might satisfy your needs but if an afternoon in the kitchen is preferred you could try baking your own triple chocolate brownies or making some truffles. My Mars Bar Cheesecake is always popular too.
For your chance to WIN a collection of 10 children's books you can enter via the Gleam entry form below. Perhaps these will inspire you to take a look at the Gruffalo or Stick Man trails around the country?
The giveaway ends at 11.59pm GMT on 31st March 2016.
Leaving a comment is compulsory but there are additional entry methods available also.
Good luck!

My favourite childrens book character is the BFG x
ReplyDeletePeter Rabbit
ReplyDeletewe are gruffalo fans :)
ReplyDeleteHarry Potter
ReplyDeletehas to be the gruffalo or mog
ReplyDeletePeter Rabbit
ReplyDeleteAt the moment harry potter for my daughter and peter rabbit for my son.
ReplyDeleteWe like Harry Potter
ReplyDeletegeorge(ina) from the famous five
ReplyDeletethe gruffalo
ReplyDeleteMy favourite character is Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh. :)
ReplyDeleteMy Little girl, loves the story 'Whatever Next' we go on an adventure with little bear to the moon.
ReplyDeletePeter Rabbit
ReplyDeleteMy favourite book character is Ron Weasley from the harry Potter books!
ReplyDeleteTom sawyer love those books
ReplyDeleteRed Riding Hood. Prettily dressed in her red cloak, begin kind and considerate by visiting her GrandMother.
ReplyDeleteRachel Craig
the gruffalo
ReplyDeletePollyanna by Eleanor H. Porter because of her Glad Game.
ReplyDeleteThe Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson
ReplyDeleteSquirrel Nutkin
ReplyDeletethe famous five !
ReplyDeleteAslan from the lion the witch & the wardroble
ReplyDeleteI like Harry Potter.
ReplyDeleteThe hungry caterpiller - what a guy
ReplyDeletePeter Rabbit
ReplyDeleteWinnie the Pooh
ReplyDeleteThe bfg
ReplyDeletePeter Rabbit
ReplyDeleteJust William
ReplyDeleteLittle Red Riding Hood
ReplyDeleteThe Gruffalo
ReplyDeleteLucy from the lion the witch an the wardrobe
ReplyDeleteGeorge the mouse in the book "George and the Dragon
ReplyDeletegeorge from georges marvellous medicine
ReplyDeletemoonface from the faraway tree
ReplyDeleteThe Gruffalo
ReplyDeleteHappy Potter
ReplyDeletePeter Pan
ReplyDeleteCharlie from Charlie and The Chocolate Factory
ReplyDeleteThe Gruffalo!
ReplyDeleteThe Lorax
ReplyDeleteThe Famous Five characters.
ReplyDeleteI like Harry Potter and the Gruffalo...
ReplyDeletematilda! of course...
ReplyDeleteMatilda is favourite
ReplyDeleteMatilda is my fave x
ReplyDeleteCharlie Bucket from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
ReplyDeleteFor the kids: Balloo
ReplyDeleteFor the adults: Jack Reacher
the secret seven!
ReplyDeleteThe Gruffalo and he is my son's favourite too
ReplyDeleteZog the dragon
ReplyDeleteMy favourite childrens book character is willy wonka - leanne w
ReplyDeleteMr Magnolia
ReplyDeleteToad, wind in the willows
ReplyDeleteTigger from Winnie the Pooh
ReplyDeleteI love Ron Weasley
ReplyDeleteThe BFG!
ReplyDeleteAslan from "The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe"!
ReplyDeleteThe Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe
ReplyDeletePeter Rabbit <3
ReplyDeleteThe little mouse in 'The Gruffalo' for being so brave ;)
ReplyDeleteRoald Dahl's Matilda
ReplyDeleteHarry Potter
ReplyDeleteAlice in the wonderland stories
ReplyDeletei cant choose between harry potter and the bfg :)
ReplyDeleteI love Matilda from the Roald Dahl book. Xxx
ReplyDeleteCharlie from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
ReplyDeleteLyra Belacqua aka Lyra Silvertongue is definitely one of my favourite characters
ReplyDeleteDanny from Danny the champion of the world
ReplyDeleteThe Jolly Postman
ReplyDeleteMatilda from the Roald Dahl book.
ReplyDeletePeter Rabbit
ReplyDeleteRoald Dahl's Matilda
ReplyDeleteWe love The Stick Man in our house! x
ReplyDeletePlop from The Owl who was afraid of the dark
ReplyDeleteSpot the Dog
ReplyDeleteThe Gruffalo
ReplyDeletePeter Rabbit
ReplyDeleteJust remembered the dragon in Green Smoke. I loved him!
ReplyDeleteThe Gruffalo
ReplyDeleteThe BFG!
ReplyDeleteToad from Wind in the Willows
ReplyDeleteHarry Potter
ReplyDeleteThe caterpillar in the Very Hungry Caterpillar is my favourite non-human book character but Beatrix Potter's hapless Mr McGregor is my favourite human character.
ReplyDeleteI like the giant from BFG
ReplyDeleteChristopher Robin
ReplyDeleteWinnie from Winnie the Pooh
ReplyDeleteGeorge from the Famous Five :)
ReplyDeleteOur is where's wally!!!!
ReplyDeletemine is Vera by Ann Cleaves
ReplyDeleteThe Twits by Roahld Dahl, wonderful characters
ReplyDeleteWinnie the Pooh
ReplyDeletePaddington Bear
ReplyDeleteArthur Dent
ReplyDeleteDefinitely the gruffalo x
ReplyDeleteGeorges marvellous medicine. 😀
ReplyDeleteAnything Dr Seuss Cat in the Hat
ReplyDeletemoon face from the magic faraway tree
ReplyDeleteMy favourite character is the witch in room on the broom
ReplyDeleteMy favourite character has to be Mrs Frisby from the Rats of Nimh
ReplyDeleteI love Eeyore, when I read any Winnie the Pooh books I always have to put on his Disney voice!
ReplyDeleteGandalf from The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings
ReplyDeleteAlice from alice in wonderland
ReplyDeleteharry potter :)
ReplyDeleteMrs Tiggy-Winkle
ReplyDeleteThe Rabbit in The Velveteen Rabbit
ReplyDeleteMy daughter changes her mind regularly but at the moment her favourite is the wolf from both Little Red Riding Hood and The Three Little Pigs!
ReplyDeleteWinnie The Pooh
ReplyDeletePeter Rabbit
ReplyDeleteEnid Blyton's Moonface is my all time favourite and I am now 40!
ReplyDeletePeter Rabbit
ReplyDeleteFlat Stanley
ReplyDeletegeorge from georges marvellous medicine
ReplyDeleteMouse from The Gruffalo
ReplyDeleteMatilda. x
ReplyDeleteThe Mouse from the Gruffalo
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteMatilda for me also, I always used to relate - she was my first escapism :)
ReplyDeleteMog from the Mog books by Judith Kerr
ReplyDeleteAlice in wonderland
ReplyDeleteThe giant from the smartest giant in town
ReplyDeletethomas the tank engine i have a boy who is autistic and he loves thomas so much
ReplyDeleteRon from Harry Potter :)
ReplyDeleteWhere's Wally- he has loads of fun!
ReplyDeleteMy favourite children's book character is Paddington bear.
ReplyDeleteharry potter
ReplyDeleteThe Gruffalo is such a good book and character :)
Matilda (Roald Dahl)
ReplyDeleteFantastic Mr Fox! :)
ReplyDeleteWinnie The Pooh :)
ReplyDeleteThe little mouse from Gruffalo
ReplyDeleteWinnie the Pooh
ReplyDeleteMog :)
ReplyDeleteMy favourite book character is matilda, reading to my 4 year old age the moment.
ReplyDeleteFantastic Mr, Fox