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07 October 2014

Conker Pets - An Autumn Craft Activity

The Mini Mes have been gathering conkers every day on the way home from school. They generally get plonked in the front garden in the flower pots (or hidden in money boxes in their bedrooms like treasure until they turn green) but I started to wonder what else could be done with them. There is of course the traditional method of roasting them, threading a shoelace through the centre and smashing them in a game but I decided to opt for something a little more cute for some imaginative play....

You will need:
Googly Eyes/pompoms and a pen

  • Ensure the conkers you have are small enough to fit inside your match box before decorating.
  • Use the glue to attach whatever fabric you wish to the conkers - we used some felt off-cuts from our craft box to wrap around the top of each conker and then cut other pieces into wings and polka dots.
  • Add eyes - we used small pompoms and a felt tip pen but you can use googly eyes too
  • Decorate the match box - I found some nature paper which I felt was perfect to glue around the box but feel free to use whatever materials you have. Paint it if you like. We also filled the match box with some green paper to represent grass. 

Minxy decided to transfer hers to a slightly bigger home which we got from Yellow Moon

Have you been creative this Autumn?
How do you use conkers?

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  1. wow wow wow- how creative is this!! I would never have thought of making conker pets

  2. Haha they are amazing - what a cute autumn pet! x

  3. These are so cute, I'm sure they would be a hit! x

  4. We have a tub of hundreds of conkers in our lounge. Every time we go out we seem to pick up more, this looks like a great way to turn them into something useful

  5. How cute! We have a place we go every year to collect conkers but I've crafted with with them before.

  6. Ooh now I want a conker pet, how cute x

  7. What a great pet and it doesn't need feeding!

  8. What a fab idea. My boy was only asking tonight about crafting so think I will set this up for them tomorrow (well something similar). Thank you for sharing.

  9. Those are just adorable! :)

  10. I love these and know that they are something my boys would love making. I am going to pin and share them

  11. Those are absolutely lovely! I'm certain the kids would love to make them themselves!

  12. Conker pets My reception class would love this

  13. Aw these are so sweet. We have so many conkers, the children just love to collect them so this would be a perfect craft!

  14. conker pets are the cutest! love these x

  15. Very cute little pets - they remind me of the pet rocks that we used to make when I was little!


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