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24 September 2013

Homework... with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Jamster has become slightly obsessed with those 4 heroes in a half shell and from the moment he rises to the second he conks out in bed he is talking turtles.

He came home from school on Friday with his usual reading, times tables and spellings to work through but also with his first homework sheet for the new school year.

We sat at the table, popped open his pencil case and starting working on the synonyms and noun replacement questions....

'The Cat watched the bird from behind the tree'
The dog watched the hamster from behind the cage

'The librarian put three books on the shelf'
The man put three scooters on the path

and finally...

'The gardener picked up the plants from the garden'
The turtles picked up the sword from the sewers.

I didn't expect him to involve his green friends with his school work but he managed it!

I'm linking this with...

Wot So Funee?Post Comment Love



  1. Hehe, homework can be fun then!

  2. That's brilliant - how clever :)

  3. Ha! Love that, what a genius! x

  4. LOL ;) I love TMNT! I am a true product of the 80's :))) x #funee

  5. My eldest son gets this type of homework too! OMG I dread when my kids move on to Secondary School when homework gets harder lol!

  6. Brilliant - he's made his homework fun and shows he's got a fab little imagination......... #wotsofunee

  7. Haha those damn turtles get everywhere ;) xx

  8. Brilliant - I suspect when the Bug has that kind of homework it will all be about Skylanders picking up weapons from the flames ;)

  9. Well, they say you should write what you know! :)


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