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10 September 2013

The Funny Things Kids Say and Do... Doodles

The Mini Mes had a successful start to the academic year with them both settling in to their new classes well and liking their new teachers - woohoo! 

At the end of last week Jamster returned home with some of the artwork he had created during the first two days at school. He told me that he was allowed to draw whatever he wanted. 

So he drew a Kangaroo... 

A dog covered in spikes... 

And his friend stood on the toilet peering over into another cubicle...

Apparently this didn't actually happen (thankfully) but his friend is in fact a spy and this was his secret mission! 

I love his imagination. 

How have your children settled in at school? 

I'm linking this with...

Wot So Funee? Post Comment Love



  1. Probably the BEST kangaroo i've seen EVER. FACT.

    #funee ;) x

  2. That's too funny! I can just see him in years to come, as an established artist, known for his peeing friends series!!

  3. Haha I love the last photo, I wonder what the teacher said :)

  4. Love how the toilet doubles up as an eye! I'm sure Jamster is on to something! Hilarious and what great imagination. My toddler isn't at school yet but she keeps telling nursery we have rats at home!

  5. Aw haha! I can't wait until sienna can even say a word let alone draw! haha

    Kerry @ Lived With Love! | Mummy & Lifestyle blog

  6. love the kangaroo picture, and the imagination for the third one....

  7. I bet it did! Boys and toilets!

  8. lol i love it, i really love their imaginations too they are just so creative.

    thanks for linking up with #MagicMoments

  9. What a fantastic imagination! LOVE the kangaroo :)


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